Excel Tips

Random Walk Down Wall Street - Random Functions  »

February 14, 2022

While judging the ModelOff World Financial Championships in New York in 2012, I met professor Simon Benninga and he demonstrated a very different use for data tables.

Sensitivity Analysis with 100K Formulas »

February 11, 2022

The article 'Do 40 What-if Analyses Quickly' undersells how powerful the Data Table tool is. The loan payment scenario contains just one formula.

Do 40 What-if Analyses Quickly »

February 10, 2022

I want to buy a car, and I want to compare eight price points and four loan terms to calculate the monthly payment amount.

Create an Amortization Table »

February 9, 2022

I know it is easy to figure out a monthly payment using PMT. I would like to see my loan balance after each month’s payment. How can I build an amortization table?

Back into an Answer Using Goal Seek »

February 8, 2022

I’ve determined that I want to obtain a 60-month loan for a car. The interest rate is 5.25%. I want to find out what loan amount would result in a $425 monthly payment. Currently, the payment for a $25,995 car is too high at $493 as shown previously in Figure 319.

Calculate Many Scenarios for Loan Payments »

February 7, 2022

I am considering buying a car. I used “Calculate a Loan Payment” to calculate a loan payment. Now I want to do some what-if scenarios in order to see various options of increasing or decreasing the term or price. How can Excel help me with this?

Calculate a Loan Payment »

February 4, 2022

I am considering buying a car. I want to calculate the loan payment.

Exact Formula Copy »

February 3, 2022

I need to make an exact copy of a range of formulas. I do NOT want the cell references to change as I copy. Whoever set up the worksheet did not include dollar signs in the formulas. It is like I want to do a cut and paste, but keep the original formulas there.

Consider Formula Speed »

February 2, 2022

Our company uses an ancient add-in that still is not compatible with 64-bit, so we are stuck with 32-bit.