Excel Tips

Every VLOOKUP Ends in False »

April 5, 2022

My VLOOKUPs aren’t working. It is returning other values from the table.

Use VLOOKUP to Join Two Tables »

April 4, 2022

My I.T. department gave me a data set with Item Number, Date, and Quantity sold. They didn’t put an item description in there. If I call back and ask them to re-do the file, it will take 3 weeks. Can I quickly fill in the item descriptions?

Avoid Errors Using IFERROR »

April 1, 2022

I've written a brilliant formula. Sometimes, due to the incoming data, the formula generates an error. How can I suppress the errors?

Calculate Based on Multiple Conditions »

March 31, 2022

COUNTIF and SUMIF have been around since Excel 97. Whenever someone learns how to use these functions, they inevitably come up with a situation where they need to count or sum or based on more than one condition.

Can the Results of a Formula Be Used in SUMIF? »

March 30, 2022

Can the results of a formula be used as the criteria? I would like to add all numbers that are above average.

Sum Records That Match a Criterion »

March 29, 2022

That COUNTIF function is cool. Is there a way to sum all records that match a criterion?

Build a Table That Will Count by Criteria »

March 28, 2022

I need to build a summary table using COUNTIF functions. How can I enter one formula that can be copied?

Count Records That Match a Criterion »

March 25, 2022

I have a large data set. I want to count the number of records that meet a certain criterion.

Stop Showing Zeroes in Cell Links »

March 24, 2022

I have the data set shown below. I need live formulas that replicate this data set on another worksheet. When I set up the formulas, I get zeroes where the blank cells are located. I can use =IF(ISBLANK(A1),””,A1) to suppress the zeroes, but then if I try to do any math on A1 in the worksheet copy, I am getting #VALUE errors.