Excel Tips

VLOOKUP Left problem »

April 20, 2022

The lookup table is maintained by another department. They built it with the price to the left of the item number. Can I specify -1 as the third term of the VLOOKUP to indicate that I want a value to the left of the key field?

You Already Know MATCH, Really! »

April 18, 2022

The author of this book is jamming two functions that I have NEVER heard of on the same page. He is starting to hack me off.

Copy a VLOOKUP Across Many Columns »

April 15, 2022

I’ve entered a VLOOKUP for January. I need to copy the formula across eleven additional columns.

Your Lookup Table Can Go Across »

April 13, 2022

Someone built this lookup table going across the worksheet. How can I use VLOOKUP?

Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces »

April 12, 2022

None of my VLOOKUP formulas are working. I can clearly see that there is a match in the lookup table, but Excel cannot see it.

Consider Naming the Lookup Table »

April 11, 2022

My lookup table is on another worksheet. The VLOOKUP is really confusing =VLOOKUP(A2,’Lookup Table Sheet’!$A$2:$B$30,2,FALSE).

Add New Items to the Middle Of Your Lookup Table »

April 8, 2022

I have to add BG33-9 to my lookup table. When I enter it in row 31, the #N/A error does not go away.

Beware of #N/A from VLOOKUP »

April 7, 2022

A few of my VLOOKUPs are giving me the #N/A error.

Lookup Table Does Not Have to Be Sorted »

April 6, 2022

I think the lookup table has to be sorted.