Excel Tips

Use Find to Find an Asterisk »

October 18, 2022

My largest customer is Wal*Mart. When I use Find or Find and Replace to search for Wal*Mart, Excel also finds Wallingsmart. I know this happens because Excel sees * as a wildcard character. What if I really want to search for an asterisk?

Double Space Your Data Set »

October 17, 2022

My manager wants me to add a blank row after every row of the data.

Remove Blanks from a Range While Keeping the Original Sequence »

October 14, 2022

Someone has given me data pasted from Word. There are a number of blank cells in the list. I want to eliminate the blank rows, but I need to keep the data in the original sequence.

Help Make Excel Better »

October 12, 2022

I have a few ideas about how I’d like Excel to operate differently. Other people must be having similar problems. How can I communicate my ideas to Microsoft?

Send Error Reports »

October 11, 2022

I keep getting a fatal error on a particular workbook.

Be Wary »

October 10, 2022

By using the tips in this book, I have found myself processing data faster than ever before. However, I’ve also begun to mess up data faster than ever before.

Horizontal Subtotals »

October 7, 2022

Why doesn’t Excel offer horizontal subtotals?

Can You Get Medians? »

October 6, 2022

Why doesn’t the subtotal feature offer Median?

Subtotal One Column and Count Another Column »

October 5, 2022

I want to subtotal revenue and count the number of records. The Subtotal dialog offers 11 different summary functions including two counting functions. How do I change the function for different columns? I’ve tried adding the SUM to Revenue, then doing subtotals a second time to count the customer, but the subtotals end up on two different rows.