Excel Tips

Hide and Unhide Data »

September 29, 2023

I need to hide data in a worksheet, but I don’t want to delete it. Is there a way to do this besides using the previous two techniques?

Hide Values Using a Number Format »

September 28, 2023

Why did you use the white font to hide those cells? Isn’t there a custom number format to hide values?

Use White Text to Hide Data »

September 27, 2023

My workbook needs extra columns in order to show a graph. I’d like to hide this information from the person using the workbook.

Copy Row Heights »

September 26, 2023

That last trick for pasting column widths works well. How do I do the same thing for row heights?

Copy Column Widths to a New Range »

September 25, 2023

I have a small report in columns A:G. I made a copy of that report in column H. The column widths did not get copied over. It is a pain to individually look at each column width in A through G and then make the same column width in the new report.

Change the Width of All Columns with One Command »

September 22, 2023

I have a large model set up in Excel. Some of the columns are hidden. I want to globally change the width of all unhidden columns to a width of 4. If I choose all columns in the worksheet and use Home, Format dropdown, Column Width, the hidden columns will unhide.

Move Rows or Columns with Shift Drag »

September 20, 2023

I need to rearrange some rows or columns. Do you have anything faster than the other methods you’ve described?

Move Columns Using Insert Cut Cells »

September 19, 2023

I need to rearrange two columns. The left-to-right sort trick described in “Move Columns by Sorting Left to Right” seems overly complex.

Move Columns by Sorting Left to Right »

September 18, 2023

My IT department produces a report every day, and the columns are in the wrong sequence. It would take them two minutes to rewrite the query, but they have a six-month backlog and don’t have time to get around to it. How can I rearrange the columns?