Excel Tips
Change the Look of Your Workbook with Document Themes »
October 17, 2023
The new Excel has a lot of nice-looking features. It uses new colors, new fonts, new chart colors. But after a while, the blue, red, green, purple, teal, and orange colors get old. Here is a worksheet with a table, SmartArt, a chart, a picture, and shapes.
Replace Partially Bold Cells »
October 16, 2023
I have some cells that are partially bold. When I use Find and Replace to change the text in these cells, I am losing the bold.
Change All Red Font Cells to Blue Font »
October 13, 2023
I’ve marked a few hundred cells in a large workbook using a red font. My manager is superstitious and wants all the red cells changed to blue. The red cells are not contiguous. I did not use cell styles to apply red.
October 12, 2023
I have a thousand rows of data. I want to apply red and blue to every other row. Nothing in the Format as Table looks exactly like I want it to look and I don’t want to define my own table style.
Copy Without Changing Borders »
October 10, 2023
I have built a report in Excel and used numerous borders to outline the data. After entering a formula to calculate profit in E3, I want to copy the formula down to E4 through E7.
Copy Formatting to a New Range »
October 9, 2023
I have several similar report sections on a spreadsheet. When I get the first report nicely formatted, I would like to copy the format to the other reports.
Organize Your Worksheet Tabs with Color »
October 6, 2023
I have a lot of tabs in a workbook. Can I highlight the frequently used tabs in red?
October 5, 2023
I don’t want people unhiding my worksheets. I have one guy in accounting who always goes to Home, Format, Hide and Unhide, Worksheets to see what is hidden.