Excel Tips

Bypass Delete Confirmation »

November 29, 2001

How to stop delete confirmation box.

Create In Cell Column Chart »

November 27, 2001

How to create an in-cell chart to illustrate a percentage.

Merge Rows Quickly »

November 22, 2001

Is there any way to merge two rows together quickly?

Formatting Time Values »

November 21, 2001

Adding zeroes to time values by using macro.

Changing Cell References »

November 20, 2001

Changing cell references by using OFFSET function.

Copy To Next Blank Row »

November 20, 2001

I want to have Excel copy an entire row to a new Excel worksheet based upon a cell entry.

Creating Proper Names »

November 19, 2001

How to capitalize the values in a particular column.

Graphing in Excel »

November 17, 2001

If you create a chart in a worksheet, you may find that you don't like some of the chart options set by Excel as default.

Data Validation »

November 16, 2001

Drop-down list on one worksheet where the list of valid cells is on another worksheet