Excel Tips

Expand Excel Chart Using Drag Drop »

April 9, 2002

Here is a cool & easy Excel charting tip for those of us who must re-do Excel charts each week, month, quarter or year to reflect a new data point.

Excel Vlookup Index Match »

April 2, 2002

Index and Match functions instead of Vlookup.

Excel User Forms »

March 26, 2002

Excel 97 introduced new User Forms. In English, teach me how to create and use a list box.

Excel To Word Macro »

March 19, 2002

How can I write a macro which will take Excel spreadsheet data and create a Word file for each row of data?

Eliminate Enable Macros Message »

March 15, 2002

How to eliminate "Enable Macros" message box.

Excel Shortcut Keys »

March 12, 2002

There are hundreds of Excel keyboard shortcuts, but no one can remember all of them. Here are a few of my favorites that you can start with.

Excel Pivot Table Date Order »

March 5, 2002

I have a pivot table with clients down the side and months going across the top. For some reason, May of 2000 is appearing after December of 2000.

Returning Specific Data on Examining a Range »

March 2, 2002

How to examine a range of cells and return a certain value if any one of the cells in the range contains a certain word.

Calculate and Display the Largest Value »

March 1, 2002

How to calculate and display the largest value.