Excel Tips

CountIf or SumIf in Excel with Two Conditions »

July 5, 2002

For a SUMIF or COUNTIF formula with 2 conditions, you need to use an array formula.

Numeric Chart Series Captions »

July 2, 2002

Excel makes it very easy to get a default chart up and running.

Macro When Excel Cell Changes »

June 25, 2002

Excel to run a macro every time a value changes in the Excel spreadsheet.

Macro To Insert Worksheet »

June 18, 2002

Duplicate worksheets by giving incremental names.

Macro To Add Daily Report »

June 11, 2002

I need to import a file daily. I'd like to add the file each day to an existing Excel workbook and have the worksheet named for the d/m/y.

Join Excel Cell Values »

June 4, 2002

I have imported a file into Excel. The zip code is broken into 2 cells. The 5 digit part of the zip code is in column E, the 4 digit part of the zip code is in column F. I need to join them into a single cell.

Quickly Navigate to Any Worksheet »

June 4, 2002

How to quickly navigate to any worksheet.

Highlight Due Dates »

May 28, 2002

Search a column and highlight red the cells that contain today's date.

Increment a Counter Everytime a Userform is Opened »

May 25, 2002

How to increment a number by one each time the user form is opened.