Excel Tips

Protecting a Single Cell in Excel »

September 5, 2004

Is it possible to protect a single cell in an Excel worksheet without protecting the whole worksheet?

Rounding Time in Excel »

May 30, 2004

Excel stores times in an interesting way. Each 24 hour period is equivalent to the number 1. 6AM is actually stored as 0.25. Noon is 0.5. 6PM is 0.75. We see a time on the Excel spreadsheet because the cell is formatted with a time format.

GetPivotData() Functions in Excel XP »

February 4, 2004

Formula pointing at a cell inside the pivot table keeps pointing at the original cell when copying the formula down to the next rows.

Bug with Rand() in Excel 2003 »

December 11, 2003

Excel RAND function bug causes it to return negative results.

Lock a Range of Cells in Excel »

August 25, 2003

How to lock only a particular range of cells along with the formula instead of locking the entire sheet.

Stop Excel AutoCorrecting »

June 26, 2003

How to stop AutoCorrect feature changing words you type.

Change the Column Headers in Excel »

June 25, 2003

Go back to the usual "Lotus 1-2-3" reference style in Excel.

Using Circular References to our Advantage »

May 30, 2003

Usually, circular references are a bad thing, but sometimes they can be used to our advantage. Here is the non-macro way of doing what you want to do.

Format Existing Numbers as Text »

May 29, 2003

How to format existing numbers as text without having to tap F2 and Enter for every cell.