Excel Tips

Fast Formula Copy »

July 3, 2017

Tip #1 from the MrExcel XL book - fast ways to copy a formula down a column.

Split Workbook by Worksheets »

July 1, 2017

You have a workbook with many worksheets. You want to send each worksheet to a different person. Today, a macro to split that data out.

VBA All Slicer Combinations »

June 30, 2017

Regular pivot table filters offer the Show All Report Filter pages, but Slicers do not support this functionality. Today, some VBA to loop through all possible slicer combinations.

Learn Excel Conditional Format Mixed References »

June 29, 2017

Setting up a conditional formatting formula that uses a mixed reference. Most conditional formatting formulas require an absolute reference. But this spreadsheet to track trucks in a yard requires

Sync Slicers from Different Data Sets »

June 22, 2017

Slicers are awesome for pivot tables because you can control multiple pivot tables from one set of slicers. But - that is sort of a lie. You can control multiple pivot tables that came from the same data set. When you have pivot tables that came from two different data sets, it is pretty tricky. I will show you some VBA that will let you pull this off.

Search Comments »

June 20, 2017

Searching Comments! Yes - I am talking about those tiny little post-it note comments that you get when you go to the Review tab and click New Comment.

Varied Bucket Sizes »

June 19, 2017

Pivot tables are great for creating frequency distributions. But the built-in functionality assumes that each bin or bucket is an identical size. What if you have uneven bins?

Stratifications »

June 18, 2017

How many small orders do you process each month? How much revenue is associated with those small orders. Pivot tables make this easy.

Bob Umlas Interpolation »

June 12, 2017

Awesome trick for interpolation in Excel. If you need 10 values between 117 and 235, you can have Excel calculate this without a formula.