I am using the following code for my message box:
Set Wkb2 = ActiveWorkbook
Wkb2.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Workbooks("PrimeCo.xlsm").Worksheets("Mel").Range("A1")
YesNo = MsgBox("Is this the Correct MEL Side File?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Click on Yes or No")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
Sheets("PrimeCo Home").Select
Case vbNo
Sheets("PrimeCo Home").Select
End Select
End With
The code works fine, but the message box comes up with a symbol of a white "X" inside a red circle.
I would like this message box to show a "Question Mark" symbol instead. Is there a way to amend the code?
Searches I've done says you can add a this symbol by adding a 'symbol type' as part of the message box code, for example, type 32... but I have no idea how to work this type into my code. Please help.
I am using the following code for my message box:
Set Wkb2 = ActiveWorkbook
Wkb2.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy Workbooks("PrimeCo.xlsm").Worksheets("Mel").Range("A1")
YesNo = MsgBox("Is this the Correct MEL Side File?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Click on Yes or No")
Select Case YesNo
Case vbYes
Sheets("PrimeCo Home").Select
Case vbNo
Sheets("PrimeCo Home").Select
End Select
End With
The code works fine, but the message box comes up with a symbol of a white "X" inside a red circle.
I would like this message box to show a "Question Mark" symbol instead. Is there a way to amend the code?
Searches I've done says you can add a this symbol by adding a 'symbol type' as part of the message box code, for example, type 32... but I have no idea how to work this type into my code. Please help.