I've got a spreadsheet containing customer counts for each period of various years.
As part of our periodic review process, we look at the year to date counts for a given period, compared to the same time frame for previous years.
Currently, I adjust nine rows to include only the desired periods. This is done for six different revenue centers.
Is there a way to have the spreadsheet auto-adjust the formula for previous years, based on whether or not there is data for the current year.
Let's say periods are in columns A thru M (13 periods).
Period 10 is in column J, and the current year is in row 16.
I'd like row 15 to automatically sum columns A thru J.
Then, when period 11 in column K is populated, I'd want the previous years to adjust to also include column K, and so on.
As part of our periodic review process, we look at the year to date counts for a given period, compared to the same time frame for previous years.
Currently, I adjust nine rows to include only the desired periods. This is done for six different revenue centers.
Is there a way to have the spreadsheet auto-adjust the formula for previous years, based on whether or not there is data for the current year.
Let's say periods are in columns A thru M (13 periods).
Period 10 is in column J, and the current year is in row 16.
I'd like row 15 to automatically sum columns A thru J.
Then, when period 11 in column K is populated, I'd want the previous years to adjust to also include column K, and so on.