I usually take the time to edit them out, because, you're right, it is easier to read.
I am not suggesting editing them out to make it
easier to read, I was suggesting it because leaving them in
can give (without obvious warning)
incorrect results. To see what I mean, try this yourself in a new workbook.
Put this in Sheet1
Sample.xlsm |
| A | B | C |
1 | | Name | Sales |
2 | | John | 20 |
3 | | Mary | 12 |
4 | | Peter | 14 |
5 | | John | 18 |
6 | | Mary | 18 |
7 | | Peter | 20 |
Set up Sheet2 like this.
Confirm that the sales figures per person are correct but also note that I have used the Sheet2 name in my formulas in Sheet2
Sample.xlsm |
| A | B |
1 | Name | Sales |
2 | John | 38 |
3 | Mary | 30 |
4 | Peter | 34 |
Now in Sheeet2, suppose we want the list to be in order of sales, ascending. We select A1:B4 and invoke the Sort dialog and sort by Sales, smallest to largest.
This is the result. No warning, no error message, just wrong results!!
Peter gets the bonus when it should be John.
John gets the wooden spoon when it should be Mary
Sample.xlsm |
| A | B |
1 | Name | Sales |
2 | Mary | 34 |
3 | Peter | 38 |
4 | John | 30 |
In a large data sample with lots of input, such wrong results may not be at all obvious & could easily flow through to subsequent calculations or decisions.
If you repeat the exercise without the Sheet2 name in the Sheet2 formulas, these wrong results do not occur.