Hi, I think this problem is almost identical to your
previous post.
I believe the issue is that you want to enter a product code into a form, the product description then shows beside the product code and cannot be edited or changed, and you then go on and key some additional data for this product - I'm assuming either sales or purchases or something similar. Is this correct? I'm also assuming that you want to store the data that has been entered into a table.
If so, this can definitely be done. In the absence of specific data I will provide a brief example of how it can be done and you may be able to apply the concept to your situtation.
Product_id (key)
Document_id (key)
Product_link (to link to tbl_Products)
Click Tools -> Relationships
Add Tbl_Products and Add Tbl_Sales
Link the tables on the Product_id and Product_link (enforce integrity)
Add tbl_Products and tbl_Sales
Include Document_id, Customer_id, Product_link, Product_description (the only field to come from Tbl_Products), Quantity
Based on Qry_Sales
Build a combo box (look up values, from Tbl_Products, include id and description, don't hide key column, store product_id in product_link)
Include the other fields from the query (i.e. document, customer, description, quantity)
Select Product_description, Click View -> Properties -> Data -> Enabled -> No.
Save the form and give it a test drive. Provided you have set up a couple of products in tbl_Products you should be able to do what you asked, i.e. select or key a product into the form based on the products in tbl_Products and the description will show on the form.
This gives you the concept of how it can be done and I suggest you test this example before applying it to your situation.
HTH, Andrew.