Worksheetfunction.Match Error 1004 on one code, but not the other nearly identical one


New Member
May 23, 2019
I have 2 VBA codes that are almost identical to each other, the only difference is that one of them has a prompt for message box with input to fill in column B. Basically code 2 is identical to code 1, but with all the columns shifted one down (B-C, C-D, etc). Below is code 1

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Application.EnableEvents = False
' if statement to not run code if multiple targets selected

    Dim ColumnA As Range
    Dim ColumnG As Range
    Dim ColumnJ As Range
    Dim ColumnM As Range
    Dim FRSheet As Worksheet
    Dim timestamp As Date
    Dim CurrentRow As Integer
    Dim FirstCell As String
    Dim LastCell As String
    Dim allpartstablerange As Range
    Dim ifsdesc As Range
    Dim partFT As Range
    Dim ifscodecolnum As Integer
    Dim ftdesccolnum As Integer
    Dim allpartstable As ListObject
    Set FRSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FR")

    Set ColumnA = Range("A:A")
    Set ColumnG = Range("G:G")
    Set ColumnJ = Range("J:J")
    Set ColumnM = Range("M:M")
    CurrentRow = Target.Row                                                                                           ' Check existance of serial num
                                                                                                ' Nothing happens if there is no change in A
                                                                                                ' Issue: even when A is deleted this triggers this code
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnA, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
        'Target.Value2 = ""
        If CurrentRow > 4 Then 'This belongs in top protection *OR LOGIC
                                                                                                ' Gear Type
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "B").Value
                                                                                                ' Operation#
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "C").Value
                                                                                                ' MachineID
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "D").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "D").Value
                                                                                                ' EmployeeID
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "E").Value
                                                                                                ' Time stamp - now
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "F").Value = Now
        End If
                                                                                                ' Jump to gear status - GOOD vs MRB
        CurrentRow = Target.Row
        Cells(CurrentRow, "G").Select
    End If
                                                                                                ' Nothing happens if Column G is left blank
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnG, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                                                                                                ' If GOOD
        If FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "G").Value = "OK" Then
                                                                                                ' Time Stamp
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").Value = Now
            'FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM"
                                                                                                ' Jump to first column on next row
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, "A").Select
                                                                                                ' If MRB
        ElseIf FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "G").Value = "MRB" Then
                                                                                                ' Time Stamp
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").Value = Now
            'FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM"
            FirstCell = Trim("I" & CurrentRow)
            LastCell = Trim("O" & CurrentRow)
                                                                                                ' Unlock MRB portion
            FRSheet.Range(FirstCell, LastCell).Locked = False
                                                                                                ' Combine Gear Type and OP# for lookup menu
            Cells(CurrentRow, "I").Value = Cells(3, "B").Value & " - " & Cells(3, "C").Value
                                                                                                ' Jump to J
            Cells(CurrentRow, "J").Select
                                                                                                ' Code to do nothing if J is left blank, only stay at J
        End If
    End If
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnJ, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                'look for MRB flag
                'can only run if MRB in cell G
        Set allpartstable = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).ListObjects("All_Parts")
        Set allpartstablerange = allpartstable.Range
        Set partFT = allpartstable.ListColumns("Part FT").Range
        ftdesccolnum = allpartstable.ListColumns("FT DESC").Index
                                                                                            ' Combine Gear Type and Feature# for lookup menu
        Cells(CurrentRow, "K").Value = Cells(3, "B").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "J").Value
        Cells(CurrentRow, "L") = Application.Index(allpartstablerange, Application.Match(FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "K"), partFT, 0), ftdesccolnum)
        Cells(CurrentRow, "M").Select
    End If
                                                                                                ' Code to do nothing if M is empty, only stay at M
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnM, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                                                                                            ' Combine Gear Type, OP#, Feature#, and IFS Code to create MRB Code
        Set allpartstable = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).ListObjects("All_Parts")
        Set allpartstablerange = allpartstable.Range
        Set ifsdesc = allpartstable.ListColumns("IFS DESC").Range
        ifscodecolnum = allpartstable.ListColumns("IFS CODE").Index
        Cells(CurrentRow, "N").Value = Application.Index(allpartstablerange, Application.Match(FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "M"), ifsdesc, 0), ifscodecolnum)
        Cells(CurrentRow, "O").Value = Cells(CurrentRow, "I").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "J").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "N").Value
        Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, "A").Select
    End If
                                                                                            ' Protect Sheet
                                                                                                ' Jump to first column on next row
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

And here is code 2:

Option Explicit
    Dim ColumnA As Range
    Dim ColumnB As Range
    Dim ColumnH As Range
    Dim ColumnK As Range
    Dim ColumnN As Range
    Dim FRSheet As Worksheet
    Dim timestamp As Date
    Dim CurrentRow As Integer
    Dim FirstCell As String
    Dim LastCell As String
    Dim ShaftSN As Long
    Dim allpartstablerange As Range
    Dim ifsdesc As Range
    Dim partFT As Range
    Dim ifscodecolnum As Integer
    Dim ftdesccolnum As Integer
    Dim allpartstable As ListObject

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Application.EnableEvents = False
' if statement to not run code if multiple targets selected
    Set FRSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FR")
    Set ColumnA = Range("A:A")
    Set ColumnB = Range("B:B")
    Set ColumnH = Range("H:H")
    Set ColumnK = Range("K:K")
    Set ColumnN = Range("N:N")
    CurrentRow = Target.Row
                                                                                                ' Check existance of serial num
                                                                                                ' Nothing happens if there is no change in A
                                                                                                ' Issue: even when A is deleted this triggers this code
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnA, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
        'Target.Value2 = ""
        ShaftSN = InputBox("Enter Assembly Shaft Serial Number")
        FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "B").Value = ShaftSN
        If CurrentRow > 4 Then 'This belongs in top protection *OR LOGIC
                                                                                                ' Gear Type
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "C").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "C").Value
                                                                                                ' Operation#
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "D").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "D").Value
                                                                                                ' MachineID
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "E").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "E").Value
                                                                                                ' EmployeeID
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "F").Value = FRSheet.Cells(3, "F").Value
                                                                                                ' Time stamp - now
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "G").Value = Now
        End If
                                                                                                ' Jump to gear status - GOOD vs MRB
        CurrentRow = Target.Row
        Cells(CurrentRow, "H").Select
    End If
                                                                                                    ' Nothing happens if Column G is left blank

    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnH, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                                                                                                ' If GOOD
        If FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").Value = "OK" Then
                                                                                                ' Time Stamp
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "I").Value = Now
            'FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "I").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM"
                                                                                                ' Jump to first column on next row
            Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, "A").Select
                                                                                                ' If MRB
        ElseIf FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "H").Value = "MRB" Then
                                                                                                ' Time Stamp
            FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "I").Value = Now
            'FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "I").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM"
            FirstCell = FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "J")
            LastCell = FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "P")
                                                                                                ' Unlock MRB portion
                                                                                                ' Combine Gear Type and OP# for lookup menu
            Cells(CurrentRow, "J").Value = Cells(3, "C").Value & " - " & Cells(3, "D").Value
                                                                                                ' Jump to J
            Cells(CurrentRow, "K").Select
                                                                                                ' Code to do nothing if K is left blank, only stay at K
        End If
    End If
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnK, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                'look for MRB flag
                'can only run if MRB in cell G
        Set allpartstable = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).ListObjects("All_Parts")
        Set allpartstablerange = allpartstable.Range
        Set partFT = allpartstable.ListColumns("Part FT").Range
        ftdesccolnum = allpartstable.ListColumns("FT DESC").Index
                                                                                            ' Combine Gear Type and Feature# for lookup menu
        Cells(CurrentRow, "L").Value = Cells(3, "C").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "K").Value
        Cells(CurrentRow, "M") = WorksheetFunction.Index(allpartstablerange, WorksheetFunction.Match(FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "L"), partFT, 0), ftdesccolnum)
        Cells(CurrentRow, "N").Select
    End If
                                                                                                ' Code to do nothing if M is empty, only stay at M
    If Not (Application.Intersect(ColumnN, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing) Then
                                                                                            ' Combine Gear Type, OP#, Feature#, and IFS Code to create MRB Code
        Set allpartstable = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2).ListObjects("All_Parts")
        Set allpartstablerange = allpartstable.Range
        Set ifsdesc = allpartstable.ListColumns("IFS DESC").Range
        ifscodecolnum = allpartstable.ListColumns("IFS CODE").Index
        Cells(CurrentRow, "O").Value = Application.Index(allpartstablerange, Application.Match(FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "N"), ifsdesc, 0), ifscodecolnum)
        Cells(CurrentRow, "P").Value = Cells(CurrentRow, "J").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "K").Value & " - " & Cells(CurrentRow, "M").Value
        Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, "A").Select
    End If
                                                                                            ' Protect Sheet
                                                                                                ' Jump to first column on next row
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

The error highlights this line:

Cells(CurrentRow, "M") = WorksheetFunction.Index(allpartstablerange, WorksheetFunction.Match(FRSheet.Cells(CurrentRow, "L"), partFT, 0), ftdesccolnum)

As the problem.

I don't know what's wrong, it works perfectly for the other code. I thought that Application.Match might have been wrong, as it did not return a value at all, only #N/A, but when I put Application.WorksheetFunction.Match or WorksheetFunction.Match, I receive the same error 1004.

Any insights?


Excel Facts

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Not everything I do at work revolves around Excel. Only the fun parts.
Welcome to the Board!

How many rows of data are you dealing with?
I notice that you have declared CurrentRow as Integer, and the maximum value of an Integer is 32,767. If you go past that row, declare the variable as Long instead of Integer.

I would recommend checking all the variables that line of code uses to make sure that they are the values that you think they are.
You can do that with Message Boxes, or by stepping through the code, and hovering over the variables to see what their value is.
Often times, there is a variable returning an unexpected value that blows things up.
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Thank you for your response Joe4! I don't think I will be dealing with anything larger than 10,000 rows. Also I just realised something new, the code that used to work no longer does, and I don't know if this is a contributing factor, but when I open the document I get this notification:

"This workbook contains links to other data sources.
*If you update the links, Excel will attempt to retrieve the latest data
*If you don't update links, Excel will use previous information.
Note that data links can be used to access and share confidential information without your permission and possibly perform other harmful actions. Do not update the links if you do not trust the source of this workbook"

And I find this strange because I never have any links in my code, but if I click update it says it is unable to update and the code does not work, and if I click don't update the code still does not work. I am utterly at loss.
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I searched all, no links. I did go into name manager (the link you sent me had that reccomendation) and deleted some links to another document. I closed the file and opened it again, but I still get that error 1004.
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If it is still erroring on the same line, then try the recommendations I gave you at the bottom of post number 2.
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Solved! It turns out the issue was in the tables I was referencing, there was some mismatch in the data and that resulted in my errors. Thank you for all your help though!
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