This appears to solve it. Now I need to drink a beer..... and I don't drink at all

' NOTE: MyChart is the new chart where the image will eventually be copied to
' in order to then be exported as a jpg file
Dim MyChart As Chart
' NOTE: The workbook sheet "Sheet1" will be made the active sheet
' NOTE: This will past whatever is currently in the clipboard to the active sheet
' So, make sure that your image is what was most recently copied
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("c1")
' NOTE: This is creating the new Chart
Set MyChart = Charts.Add
' NOTE: This is name the new chart
MyChart.Name = "HELLO"
' NOTE: This is moving the chart to the sheet where the picture is
Set MyChart = MyChart.Location(Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1")
' NOTE: This is making the width and height of the MyChart equal to whatever image you copied to the clipboard
MyChart.ChartArea.Width = Sheet1.Shapes(2).Width
MyChart.ChartArea.Height = Sheet1.Shapes(2).Height
' NOTE: This is removing the shape container boarder
MyChart.Parent.Border.LineStyle = 0
' NOTE: This is copying the image that was pasted to the sheet "Sheet1"
' NOTE: This is selecting or making active the ChartArea of MyChart
' NOTE: This is pasting the image that was just copied via VBA of EXCEL into the MyChart ChartArea
' NOTE: This is exporting the MyChart to a jpg file.
' Filename:="location of folder\name of the file.XXX"
' FilterName:="jpg" read about this at - >
Chart.Export method (Excel)
MyChart.Export Filename:="c:\hold\Me.jpg", FilterName:="jpg"
' NOTE: Make cell (Row 1, Column A) the active cell
Sheet1.Cells(1, 1).Activate
' NOTE: Delete the Chart you created earlier
' NOTE: Delete the (hopefully) only 1 shape (image pasted ealier) on the sheet "Sheet1"
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("c:\hold\Me.jpg")
End Sub