- I have a PowerPivot model with two tables in it (let's call them "Table A" and "Table B")
- Both tables include a field for "Client Reference"
- When the tables are not connected by a relationship, if I place the "Client Reference" field from "Table A" as the row label in a Pivot Table, there is no (Blank) row label at the end of the "Client Reference" values, which is what I would expect as there are no blank records in the table
- However, as soon as I create a 1 to many relationship between "Table A" and "Table B" using the common "Client Reference" field, a (Blank) row label appears in my Pivot Table
- This then has undesired consequences when I add my measures (my numerical data is in "Table B" and my "Sum" measure in "Table B" returns a value against the (Blank) label row in my Pivot Table, when my expectation is that "Table B" would be filtered by the "Client References" in "Table A")
Can anybody explain why this behaviour is happening, and whether there is something I can do to overcome it? (I don't want the (Blank) row label to appear as there are no Blanks in "Table A" and I want the "Client References" in "Table A" to filter "Table B" for my "Sum" measure in "Table B")
Thank you in advance.