While working in Excel 2010 on the same computer, I have two workbooks open side-by-side. In File A, my Column Width is set on 14.00 and the Pixel count equals 89; however in File B, my Column Width is also set on 14.00 but the Pixel count instead equals 103.
Why is there a difference in Pixel count? As minor as this seems, it's actually driving me slightly nutty! I have my "favored" column widths memorized and that's how all of my work templates are structured. Can someone please give some insight on this and a possible solution for the Pixel count to be the same (p.s. preferred Pixel count for 14.00 Column Width would be 89).
While working in Excel 2010 on the same computer, I have two workbooks open side-by-side. In File A, my Column Width is set on 14.00 and the Pixel count equals 89; however in File B, my Column Width is also set on 14.00 but the Pixel count instead equals 103.
Why is there a difference in Pixel count? As minor as this seems, it's actually driving me slightly nutty! I have my "favored" column widths memorized and that's how all of my work templates are structured. Can someone please give some insight on this and a possible solution for the Pixel count to be the same (p.s. preferred Pixel count for 14.00 Column Width would be 89).