I'm building a simple worksheet which will be used be people with zero expertise on Excel.
Fill in cells with basic information should work ok for them: name, address, dates, etc.
A column should contain comments and ideally they should be able to type in text as in notepad. I know that I could pre-format the column for auto wrapping, but while they type, they text will not auto-wrap until they hit enter...
Is there any way to make a cell work as, for example, this text box in which I'm writing this post?
I don't know if a more simple solution is available but I was thinking in having a vba button that would open a tiny notepad (like the Excel comments feature).
BTW, the comments feature would almost work if I could only make the text end up in a cell rather than in a comment popup.
I'm building a simple worksheet which will be used be people with zero expertise on Excel.
Fill in cells with basic information should work ok for them: name, address, dates, etc.
A column should contain comments and ideally they should be able to type in text as in notepad. I know that I could pre-format the column for auto wrapping, but while they type, they text will not auto-wrap until they hit enter...
Is there any way to make a cell work as, for example, this text box in which I'm writing this post?
I don't know if a more simple solution is available but I was thinking in having a vba button that would open a tiny notepad (like the Excel comments feature).
BTW, the comments feature would almost work if I could only make the text end up in a cell rather than in a comment popup.