If you have any experience with this kind of demographic data and how it should be translated to an excel sheet I would be grateful to let me know how a sheet that could be manipulated for further statistical analysis and SPSS import should look like. I am not sure how should I do it to better suits some further needs. No need to give me a complex answer, just a quick tip.
Thank you so much for the help!
Demographic questionnaire
1. Gender
□ Male □ Female
□ 18-24 □ 40 - 60 □ 25-39 □ 60+
3. English proficiency
□ Basic user □ Intermediate user □ Proficient user
4. Highest academic degree
□ High School □ College □ Postgraduate
5. How often do you use the Internet?
□ Many times a day
□ Several times a day
□ Once a day
□ Several times a week
□ Once a week
□ Less than once a week
6. How long do you spend online each day?
□ 1 – 2 hours
□ 2 – 3 hours
□ 3 – 4 hours
□ More than 5 hours
7. How do you access the Internet?
□ PC □ Tablet
□ Phone □ TV □ Other.
8. Do you have previous experience on browsing medical websites?
□ No experience
□ Some experience
□ Significant experience
9. Did you search in the last 6 months specific medical information on the web?
□ Yes □ No
If you have any experience with this kind of demographic data and how it should be translated to an excel sheet I would be grateful to let me know how a sheet that could be manipulated for further statistical analysis and SPSS import should look like. I am not sure how should I do it to better suits some further needs. No need to give me a complex answer, just a quick tip.
Thank you so much for the help!
Demographic questionnaire
1. Gender
□ Male □ Female
- Age
□ 18-24 □ 40 - 60 □ 25-39 □ 60+
3. English proficiency
□ Basic user □ Intermediate user □ Proficient user
4. Highest academic degree
□ High School □ College □ Postgraduate
5. How often do you use the Internet?
□ Many times a day
□ Several times a day
□ Once a day
□ Several times a week
□ Once a week
□ Less than once a week
6. How long do you spend online each day?
□ 1 – 2 hours
□ 2 – 3 hours
□ 3 – 4 hours
□ More than 5 hours
7. How do you access the Internet?
□ PC □ Tablet
□ Phone □ TV □ Other.
8. Do you have previous experience on browsing medical websites?
□ No experience
□ Some experience
□ Significant experience
9. Did you search in the last 6 months specific medical information on the web?
□ Yes □ No