I've been poking around, trying to understand Parameters and here's what I found.
1. Someone used parameters to create a function that involved an API. There was too much going on to understand the parameter piece by itself.
2. Another example used parameters in a way that seemed like a filter or even a slicer would have been easier.
3. Connecting to a database that requires a password. Again, too much stuff going on to understand the parameters piece.
It seems that parameters are used for specifying they type of data to retrieve. A raw data dump might be way too much. But if a person could restrict the data to, for example, houses with 3 or more bathrooms, imported results might be reduced from 1000 down to 90.
Maybe this gets tricky regarding the data source?
99% of the time I'm retrieving data into Power Query from a worksheet, a work book or a folder. Never an API or database. Sometimes a web page.
Am I understanding this properly?
Are there resources that explain this in a simple way?
What are ways of thinking about a parameter being desirable?
1. Someone used parameters to create a function that involved an API. There was too much going on to understand the parameter piece by itself.
2. Another example used parameters in a way that seemed like a filter or even a slicer would have been easier.
3. Connecting to a database that requires a password. Again, too much stuff going on to understand the parameters piece.
It seems that parameters are used for specifying they type of data to retrieve. A raw data dump might be way too much. But if a person could restrict the data to, for example, houses with 3 or more bathrooms, imported results might be reduced from 1000 down to 90.
Maybe this gets tricky regarding the data source?
99% of the time I'm retrieving data into Power Query from a worksheet, a work book or a folder. Never an API or database. Sometimes a web page.
Am I understanding this properly?
Are there resources that explain this in a simple way?
What are ways of thinking about a parameter being desirable?