Hey everyone,
I've got two VBA codes that work really well for what I'm doing, mostly:
1. Conditional LINEST function that only finds the x coefficient if the range matches the additional criteria:
Formula example:
Where Column U are the y's, Column P are the x's, and Column N is where the cells are denoted with "D"s or "R"s, so it's pulling only the "D"s.
2. Weighted LINEST function that gives the x coefficient more weight based on how high the numbers are in the range:
Formula example:
Where Column P are the x's, Column U are the y's, and Column K is where the cells are weighted from 1-38 so the function knows how much weight to give to each point.
Again, these both work great -- but I was wondering if somebody more skilled in VBA than I am could help me do two things:
1. Come up with a VBA code that combines the two (a weighted *and* conditional) LINEST function; and
2. If somebody can help me use these functions to get the y-intercept and not just the x coefficient.
I would be forever grateful! Thanks a lot.
I've got two VBA codes that work really well for what I'm doing, mostly:
1. Conditional LINEST function that only finds the x coefficient if the range matches the additional criteria:
Function LinestCond(rY As Range, rX As Range, rCond As Range, vCond As Variant, _
Optional bConst As Boolean = True, Optional bStats As Boolean = False)
Dim vY As Variant, vX As Variant
Dim lRowAll As Long, lRow As Long, lRows As Long, j As Long
lRows = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rCond, vCond)
ReDim vY(1 To lRows, 1 To 1)
ReDim vX(1 To lRows, 1 To rX.Columns.Count)
For lRowAll = 1 To rY.Rows.Count
If rCond(lRowAll) = vCond Then
lRow = lRow + 1
vY(lRow, 1) = rY(lRowAll)
For j = 1 To UBound(vX, 2)
vX(lRow, j) = rX(lRowAll, j)
Next j
End If
Next lRowAll
LinestCond = Application.WorksheetFunction.LinEst(vY, vX, bConst, bStats)
End Function
Formula example:
2. Weighted LINEST function that gives the x coefficient more weight based on how high the numbers are in the range:
Public Function LinestWeighted(xRng As Range, yRng As Range, wRng As Range, bInt As Boolean, bStat As Boolean) As Variant
Dim x As Variant
Dim y As Variant
Dim W As Variant
Dim TotX As Variant
Dim TotY As Variant
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim strDelim As String
Dim strX As String
Dim strY As String
Dim NewSeries As Variant
x = Application.Transpose(xRng)
y = Application.Transpose(yRng)
W = Application.Transpose(wRng)
strDelim = ","
If (UBound(x, 1) = UBound(y, 1)) And (UBound(x, 1) = UBound(W, 1)) Then
For lngRow = 1 To UBound(W)
strX = strX & Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(x(lngRow) & strDelim, W(lngRow))
strY = strY & Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(y(lngRow) & strDelim, W(lngRow))
Next lngRow
TotX = Split(Left$(strX, Len(strX) - 1), strDelim)
TotY = Split(Left$(strY, Len(strY) - 1), strDelim)
ReDim NewSeries(1 To UBound(TotX) + 1, 1 To 2)
For lngRow = 0 To UBound(TotX)
NewSeries(lngRow + 1, 1) = CDbl(TotX(lngRow))
NewSeries(lngRow + 1, 2) = CDbl(TotY(lngRow))
With Application
LinestWeighted = .WorksheetFunction.LinEst(.Index(.Transpose(NewSeries), 2), .Index(.Transpose(NewSeries), 1), bInt, bStat)
End With
LinestWeighted = "input ranges must be equal in length"
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Formula example:
Where Column P are the x's, Column U are the y's, and Column K is where the cells are weighted from 1-38 so the function knows how much weight to give to each point.
Again, these both work great -- but I was wondering if somebody more skilled in VBA than I am could help me do two things:
1. Come up with a VBA code that combines the two (a weighted *and* conditional) LINEST function; and
2. If somebody can help me use these functions to get the y-intercept and not just the x coefficient.
I would be forever grateful! Thanks a lot.