You may need to be clearer on what you consider "fluctuating due to week days" because Week 53 is considered correct in most systems:
ISO week date - Wikipedia
If all you want to do is
prevent 2019-12-30 and 31's Monday and Tuesday for this 2019/20 cut-over year being Week 53 then you could use the ISOWEEKNUM function. That produces fewer Week 53s than the DATENUM function, which will even return a Week 54 for some dates (2000-12-31 and 2028-12-31, as examples). Note, however, ISOWEEKNUM will return Week 53 for some days in cut-overs of years 2020-21 and 2026-27 during this decade. ISOWEEKNUM will also return 1 for some dates in late December, e.g. 2025-12-29, which I'm guessing you may also not want.
If you can be clear on the rules you want to apply then creating a user-defined function or a formula and using that as your bespoke solution is an option. My guess is it will utilise a mix of DATENUM and ISODATENUM plus some bespoke stuff to force things you don't want to see - e.g. Week 53 and (I guess) Week 1 starting on a day in December. Something like this perhaps? (where A2 is a date)
I tried this out for the period 2019-2049: the downside is this makes for some very long Week 1 and Week 52 weeks, but it does prevent any Week 53s/54s, and ensures 1 January is always the start of Week 1. It also handles some weird days such as 2021-01-03 which is WEEKNUM Week 2 but ISOWEEKNUM Week 53. Some examples: