Alternatively, if you do decide you want to open all these spreadsheets, I've found the code below useful in the past.
It goes thorough every Excel file in a directory you specify, does something to it (you have to put that bit in yourself), then closes it and moves it to a "Processed" directory off the path you started from.
Sub movestuff()
'Change the drive to whatever drive you're on
ChDrive "C"
'Define Path
MyPath = "C:temp"
'Change directory to your directory
ChDir (MyPath)
' See if a subdirectoy called "Processed" exists
MyCheckDir = Dir(MyPath & "Processed", vbDirectory)
'If it doesn't exist then create it
If MyCheckDir = "" Then
MkDir MyPath & "Processed"
End If
' Now go looking for Excel files to process
ChDir MyPath & ""
MyFile = Dir("*.xls", vbNormal)
Do While MyFile<> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=MyFile
'Do your stuff here...
'Switch back to the open Excel file and close it, without saving
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=0
'Copy the file we've processed to the Processed Directory
FileCopy MyPath & "" & MyFile, MyPath & "Processed" & MyFile
'Delete original
Kill MyFile
' Call Dir again without arguments to return the next *.XLS file in
' the same directory.
MyFile = Dir
End Sub
Hope this helps.
Please note, Where ever you see two backslashes together above, only put one in your code.
This message was edited by AJ on 2002-03-06 07:48