' NOTE: Current count for Column is 258 and IX
Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
' button for RESET ALL
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2: B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2: B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2: B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
Dim i As Long
For i = 3 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count Step 2
Columns(i).Hidden = Not Columns(i).Hidden
Next i
Application.Goto Reference:=Range("b1"), Scroll:=True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
' button for SHOW DATES of Training
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 6), Cells(rCol, lCol))
If Cell.Value = "X" And Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Then Columns(Cell.Column + 1).Hidden = False
Next Cell
Range("B2: B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2: B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2: B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton24_Click()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With
Range("B2: B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2: B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2: B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton20_Click()
' button for SHOW ALL
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2: B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2: B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2: B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
Application.Goto Reference:=Range("a1"), Scroll:=True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton26_Click()
' button for 24mo REVIEW FOR SOPs
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = Not .Hidden
End With
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
' button for HOURLY
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(2, 6), Cells(2, lCol))
If Cell = "Hr" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton22_Click()
' button for SALARY
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(2, 6), Cells(2, lCol))
If Cell = "Sa" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' button for PACKAGING (Pr)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pr*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pr*" Then
.Interior.Color = 65280
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton19_Click()
' button for PACKAGING-JIM (PrJM)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*PrJM*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pr*" Then
.Interior.Color = 65280
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton23_Click()
' button for PACKAGING-TOM (PrTM)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*PrTM*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pr*" Then
.Interior.Color = 65280
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Dockery, Tom" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' button for BLENDING (Bl)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("C")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Bl*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Bl*" Then
.Interior.Color = 8421631
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Thurmond, David" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Thurmond, David" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Thurmond, David" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65280
If Cell = "Thurmond, David" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
' button for POWDERS (Powders)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Po*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Po*" Then
.Interior.Color = 12648447
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Cavnar, Eddie" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 12648447
If Cell = "Cavnar, Eddie" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
' button for BUILDING 8
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*B8*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*B8*" Then
.Interior.Color = 13382655
.Font.Color = 6750207
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Mura, Mark" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 13382655
If Cell = "Mura, Mark" Then Cell.Font.Color = 6750207
If Cell = "Mura, Mark" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
' button for OIL FIELD (OilField)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Of*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Of*" Then
.Interior.Color = 16153216
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 16153216
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton25_Click()
' button for OIL FIELD - Flaker
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*OfFL*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*OfFL*" Then
.Interior.Color = 16153216
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 16153216
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
If Cell = "Klemstein, Chantz" Then Cell.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton25.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton25.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton25.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
' button for Labels department (Labels)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*La*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*La*" Then
.Interior.Color = 16776960
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Smith, Michelle" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 16776960
If Cell = "Smith, Michelle" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
' button for Shipping department (SH)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Sh*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Sh*" Then
.Interior.Color = 65535
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Baker, Pieter" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 65535
If Cell = "Baker, Pieter" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
' button for Maintenance department (Ma)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Ma*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Ma*" Then
.Interior.Color = 39423
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Knobloch, Eric" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 39423
If Cell = "Knobloch, Eric" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
' button for LAB (QC)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*QC*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*QC*" Then
.Interior.Color = 12632055
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Bowhay, Chris" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 12632055
If Cell = "Bowhay, Chris" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton10_Click()
' button for Supervisors (Su)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Su*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Su*" Then
.Interior.Color = 16711680
.Font.Color = 65535
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Nowak, Richard" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 16711680
If Cell = "Nowak, Richard" Then Cell.Font.Color = 65535
If Cell = "Nowak, Richard" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()
' button for SALES DEPT (Sa)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Sa*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Sa*" Then
.Interior.Color = 1993782
.Font.Color = &H80C0FF
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Aimes, Kelly" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 1993782
If Cell = "Aimes, Kelly" Then Cell.Font.Color = &H80C0FF
If Cell = "Aimes, Kelly" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton12_Click()
' button for PURCHASING DEPT (Pu)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pu*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Pu*" Then
.Interior.Color = 12632256
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 12632256
If Cell = "Dockery, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton13_Click()
' button for ACCOUNTING DEPT (Ac)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Ac*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Ac*" Then
.Interior.Color = 16761087
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Nattier, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 16761087
If Cell = "Nattier, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton14_Click()
' button for CSR DEPT (Cs)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Cs*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Cs*" Then
.Interior.Color = 12648384
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Coleman, Hillary" Then Cell.Interior.Color = 12648384
If Cell = " Coleman, Hillary " Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
' button for QC & MGT DEPT (Mg)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Mg*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Mg*" Then
.Interior.Color = &H5590
.Font.Color = &HFFC0FF
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton16_Click()
' button for HUMAN RESOURCES (Hr) &H8000&
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
rCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(4, 6), Cells(4, lCol))
If Cell = "a" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Interior.Color = xlNone
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Color = vbBlack
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Font.Bold = False
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).Borders.Weight = xlThin
Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(rCol, lCol)).RowHeight = 16
Range(Cells(9, 3), Cells(rCol, 3)).Font.Color = vbWhite
With Rows("2:4")
.Hidden = True
End With
With Columns("B")
.Hidden = False
End With
With Columns("A")
.Hidden = True
End With
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(3, 6), Cells(3, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Hr*" Then Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = False Else Columns(Cell.Column).Hidden = True
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(rCol, 1))
With Range(Cells(Cell.Row, 1), Cells(Cell.Row, lCol))
If Cell Like "*Hr*" Then
.Interior.Color = &H8000&
.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders.Weight = xlMedium
.Font.Color = 10213316
Rows(Cell.Row).RowHeight = 14
.Borders.Weight = xlHairline
End If
End With
Range("B5").Font.Color = &HFF&
Range("B5").Font.Bold = True
Range("B5").Borders.Weight = xlMedium
Range("B2:B4").Font.Color = &HC000&
Range("B2:B4").Font.Bold = True
Range("B2:B4").Borders.Weight = xlThin
For Each Cell In Range(Cells(1, 5), Cells(1, lCol))
If Cell = "Nattier, Jim" Then Cell.Interior.Color = &H8000&
If Cell = "Nattier, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Color = &HFFFFFF
If Cell = "Nattier, Jim" Then Cell.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton1.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton1.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton2.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton2.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton2.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton3.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton3.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton3.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton4.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton4.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton4.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton5.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton5.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton5.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton6.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton6.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton6.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton7.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton7.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton7.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton8.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton8.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton8.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton9.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton9.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton9.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton10.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton10.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton10.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton11.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton11.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton11.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton12.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton12.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton12.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton13.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton13.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton13.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton14.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton14.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton14.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton15.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton15.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton15.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton19.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton19.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton19.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton23.Font.Bold = False
CommandButton23.Font.Italic = False
CommandButton23.Font.Underline = False
CommandButton16.Font.Bold = True
CommandButton16.Font.Italic = True
CommandButton16.Font.Underline = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub