I wish to create an advanced filter that averages the values of a unique column. For example. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice" /><o
Column A has the following A,B,C,C,A in consecutive rows without blanks<o
Column B respectively has the values 1,2,3,6,2<o
After the Advanced Filter I would Like the following. <o
Column A (Unique Filter): A,B,C<o
Column B (Average of Values per Unique Filter): 1.5,2,4.5<o
I know pivot tables does it better but I want I'd rather do it in an advanced filter so I can add other instructions. <o
Thanks! <o


Column A has the following A,B,C,C,A in consecutive rows without blanks<o

Column B respectively has the values 1,2,3,6,2<o


After the Advanced Filter I would Like the following. <o


Column A (Unique Filter): A,B,C<o

Column B (Average of Values per Unique Filter): 1.5,2,4.5<o


I know pivot tables does it better but I want I'd rather do it in an advanced filter so I can add other instructions. <o


Thanks! <o