World Capitals
Country City
Argentina Buenos Aires
Belgium Brussels
Brazil Brasilia
Canada Ottawa
China Beijing
Cuba Havana
Czech Republic Prague
Denmark Copenhagen
Egypt Cairo
France Paris
Germany Berlin
Greece Athens
Hungary Budapest
India New Delhi
Iran Tehran
Italy Rome
Japan Tokyo
Kenya Nairobi
South Korea Seoul
Liberia Monrovia
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Mexico Mexico City
Nepal Kathmandu
Netherlands Amsterdam
Pakistan Islamabad
Poland Warsaw
Russia Moscow
South Africa Pretoria
Spain Madrid
Switzerland Bern
Turkey Ankara
Ukraine Kiev
United Kingdom London
United States Washington, D.C.
This spreadsheet is a simple list of world capitals. We'd like to make it easier to find the capital city for any country on this list. To do this, you'll create a VLOOKUP function. Keep in mind that this isn't a very realistic example of when you might use the VLOOKUP function — it's just a chance to try the VLOOKUP function without a lot of other complications.
a.Create a VLOOKUP function in cell E3 to find the capital city of Poland. You should be searching for an exact match. If you've added the formula correctly, it should return Warsaw as the result.
Country City
Argentina Buenos Aires
Belgium Brussels
Brazil Brasilia
Canada Ottawa
China Beijing
Cuba Havana
Czech Republic Prague
Denmark Copenhagen
Egypt Cairo
France Paris
Germany Berlin
Greece Athens
Hungary Budapest
India New Delhi
Iran Tehran
Italy Rome
Japan Tokyo
Kenya Nairobi
South Korea Seoul
Liberia Monrovia
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Mexico Mexico City
Nepal Kathmandu
Netherlands Amsterdam
Pakistan Islamabad
Poland Warsaw
Russia Moscow
South Africa Pretoria
Spain Madrid
Switzerland Bern
Turkey Ankara
Ukraine Kiev
United Kingdom London
United States Washington, D.C.
This spreadsheet is a simple list of world capitals. We'd like to make it easier to find the capital city for any country on this list. To do this, you'll create a VLOOKUP function. Keep in mind that this isn't a very realistic example of when you might use the VLOOKUP function — it's just a chance to try the VLOOKUP function without a lot of other complications.
a.Create a VLOOKUP function in cell E3 to find the capital city of Poland. You should be searching for an exact match. If you've added the formula correctly, it should return Warsaw as the result.