Dear all,
bare with me.
I have a spreadsheet with two sheets:
Sheet 1: called Data (where data is input into column A. column B will return a value from vlookup of sheet 2
Sheet 2: called roles.
Column B in Sheet 1 will need to return the value of column B in Sheet 2 based on a lookup condition in Sheet 1, so vlookup should be simple right? Nope, not for my data. The criteria is to find the sample of text within the document number (column A of Sheet 1), the text will not always be in the same position in the document number because the document number maybe different lengths, hence the use of MID formula won't always work properly.
My current formula is: =IF($A2="","",IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("-",MID($A2,25,3))),VLOOKUP(MID($A2,25,1),roles!$A$1:$C$63,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(MID($A2,25,3),roles!$A$1:$C$63,2,FALSE)))
Sample document numbers:
The text in bold and red is what the formula would be looking for to match and vlookup.
So the length of text would be different as well.
Sample of roles from Sheet 2 (roles) columns A and B:
-P- PH
So any ideas on how can I accomplish a return result from column C of Sheet 2?
bare with me.
I have a spreadsheet with two sheets:
Sheet 1: called Data (where data is input into column A. column B will return a value from vlookup of sheet 2
Sheet 2: called roles.
Column B in Sheet 1 will need to return the value of column B in Sheet 2 based on a lookup condition in Sheet 1, so vlookup should be simple right? Nope, not for my data. The criteria is to find the sample of text within the document number (column A of Sheet 1), the text will not always be in the same position in the document number because the document number maybe different lengths, hence the use of MID formula won't always work properly.
My current formula is: =IF($A2="","",IF(ISNUMBER(FIND("-",MID($A2,25,3))),VLOOKUP(MID($A2,25,1),roles!$A$1:$C$63,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(MID($A2,25,3),roles!$A$1:$C$63,2,FALSE)))
Sample document numbers:
The text in bold and red is what the formula would be looking for to match and vlookup.
So the length of text would be different as well.
Sample of roles from Sheet 2 (roles) columns A and B:
-P- PH
So any ideas on how can I accomplish a return result from column C of Sheet 2?