I am writing a spread sheet that will let the user know if a torque wrench passes or fails. I have 2 Sheets. Sheet 1 holds the information from userform1, The second sheet (sheet2), holds the serial number, torque value, and the manufacturers number. (3 columns) I have the first form (form 1) collect the information from the wrench, when the user inputs the serial number I would like it to do a vlookup on the sn and verify if it is there, if not then tell the user (msgbox) that it needs to be placed into the spreadsheet. (Sheet2)
I have everything working except the vlookup portion.
Here is the code I have:
any help would be appreciated.
thank you GBDavis
I have everything working except the vlookup portion.
Here is the code I have:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
tbdate.Value = ""
TextBox2.Value = ""
TextBox3.Value = ""
TextBox7.Value = ""
TextBox5.Value = ""
TextBox6.Value = ""
TextBox7.Value = ""
TextBox8.Value = ""
Call CMD_Cancel_Click
End Sub
Private Sub CMD_Cancel_Click()
If MsgBox("Do you really want to close?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then
End If
'End Sub
End Sub
Private Sub lstSN_Click()
'TextBox2 = lstSN
End Sub
Sub vlookup3()
For i = 4 To Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'Cells(i, "A").Value =
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox2_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, closemode As Integer)
If closemode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Cancel = True
Call CMD_Cancel_Click
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Application.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox3_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox4_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox5_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox6_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox7_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox9_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub OnlyNumbers()
If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
With Me.ActiveControl
If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Sorry, only numbers allowed"
.Value = vbNullString
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OnlyLetters()
If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
With Me.ActiveControl
If IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Sorry, only Letters allowed"
.Value = vbNullString
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox3_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox3.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox3.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox3.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox4.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox4.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox4.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox5_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox5.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox5.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox5.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox6_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox6.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox6.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox6.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox7_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox7.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox7.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox7.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox9_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Trim(TextBox9.Value) = "" And Me.Visible Then
MsgBox ("Please enter a value in the text box."), vbCritical, "Enter"
Cancel = True
TextBox9.BackColor = vbYellow
TextBox9.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.tbdate = Now
Label6.BackColor = vbYellow
Label6.Font.Size = 14
Label6.Caption = "INCOMPLETE"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.Visible = False
'MsgBox ("App is Hidden"), vbOKCancel
Dim unusedRow As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim avz As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim d As Double
Dim e As Double
Dim k As String
'eRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
eRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 1).Value = Now 'TextBox1.Value
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 7).Value = TextBox3.Value
a = TextBox3.Value
'MsgBox (a), vbOKCancel
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 5).Value = TextBox7.Value
b = TextBox7.Value
'MsgBox (b), vbOKCancel
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 6).Value = TextBox5.Value
c = TextBox5.Value
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 7).Value = TextBox6.Value
d = TextBox6.Value
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 8).Value = TextBox7.Value
e = TextBox7.Value
avz = (a + b + c + d + e) / 5
TextBox8.Value = avz
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 16).Value = TextBox9.Value
' MsgBox (avz), vbOKCancel
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 14).Value = TextBox8.Value
' Choice of 25,35 55, or 65 in_lb torque
'Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 3) = ActiveCell
If OptionButton1.Value = True Then
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 3).Value = "25 in_lbw +/- 6%"
k = 25
If avz > 23.5 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 26.5 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 23.5 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
If avz > 26.5 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
GoTo pass_fail_show
ElseIf OptionButton2.Value = True Then
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 3).Value = "35 in_lbw +/- 6%"
k = 35
If avz > 32.9 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 37.1 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 32.9 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
If avz > 37.1 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
GoTo pass_fail_show
ElseIf OptionButton3.Value = True Then
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 3).Value = "55 in_lbw +/- 6%"
k = 55
If avz > 51.7 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 58.3 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 51.7 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
If avz > 58.3 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
GoTo pass_fail_show
ElseIf OptionButton4.Value = True Then
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 3).Value = "65 in_lbw +/- 6%"
k = 65
If avz > 61.1 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 68.9 Then pass_fail = "PASS"
If avz < 61.1 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
If avz > 68.9 Then pass_fail = "FAIL"
GoTo pass_fail_show
End If
' for 25 in lb pass or fail
'MsgBox (pass_fail), vbOKCancel
'MsgBox (k), vbOKCancel
If pass_fail = "PASS" Then GoTo passing
If pass_fail = "fail" Then GoTo failing
If pass_fail = "FAIL" Then GoTo failing
For Count = 1 To 10
Label6.BackColor = vbGreen
Label6.Font.Size = 14
Label6.Caption = "PASS"
Next Count
GoTo ending
For Count = 1 To 10
Label6.BackColor = vbRed
Label6.Font.Size = 14
Label6.Caption = "FAIL"
Next Count
GoTo ending
eRow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row - 1
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 2).Value = lstSN.Value
TextBox2.Value = lstSN.Value
'MsgBox (eRow1), vbOKCancel
'MsgBox ("check the spread sheet")
Sheet1.Cells(eRow, 15).Value = pass_fail
Application.Visible = True
'MsgBox ("App is Not Hidden"), vbOKCancel
MsgBox ("Ready to clear this Form"), vbYesNo
'verifiy all fields filled
If TextBox2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box2"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox3.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box3"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox7.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box7"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox5.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box5"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox6.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box6"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox7.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box7"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox8.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box8"), vbOKCancel
ElseIf TextBox9.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("you missed box9"), vbOKCancel
End If
' clear date field
tbdate.Value = ""
'clear all the option buttons
OptionButton1.Value = False
OptionButton2.Value = False
OptionButton3.Value = False
OptionButton4.Value = False
' clear all the txt boxes
TextBox2.Value = ""
TextBox3.Value = ""
TextBox4.Value = ""
TextBox5.Value = ""
TextBox6.Value = ""
TextBox7.Value = ""
TextBox8.Value = ""
TextBox9.Value = ""
Label6.BackColor = vbYellow
Label6.Font.Size = 14
Label6.Caption = "INCOMPLETE"
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
' load the new serial number input form
End Sub
any help would be appreciated.
thank you GBDavis
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