Good morning JTWood,
Currently, we record inventory in/out quantities on Excel spreadsheets.
When dealing with products that are available in various sizes, shapes & colors, multiple worksheets per spreadsheet are required. A perfect example of a multi-sku'd product is the Microfiber Lens Cloth. This item is available in 18 colors per size, for each of the three available: sizes, small, medium & large. I included only those worksheets relating to 3 of the 18 cloth colors, & for only the small variety of cloth.</SPAN>
The goal of this project is to create a worksheet listing all our products, equipped with automatically updatable VLOOKUP values that represent all net differences since the last lookup. The values are derived from the bottom-most value appearing under the column named Balance, on the appropriate inventory worksheet. Each worksheet contains several columns of data. The column named Balance is the only relevant column on each inventory worksheet (in the spreadsheet named 4x7_Copy) for this assignment.
As you can see from C5 on the spreadsheet named Inventory_Copy, the code has been created & works properly. However, I don't know how to update the code automatically. Having the values update automatically would save me a considerable amount of work on a regular basis.
Thank you</SPAN>