Hello All!
A newbie here. I appreciate any help. I am actually quite good in a # of areas - but not in VLookups. I basically have two tabs with similar lists of customers and misc info. One list has addresses and the other doesn't. Each customer has a customer # reflected on both tabbed page. My formula wld basically be: if customer # on tab 1 ='s customer # on tab 2 - take address from tab 1 and place in customer's row on tab 2.
Thanks 4 anyone helping me with this. I have already entitled the data in tab 1 (where the address is) "Table1."
A sample I was using to try to duplicate is as follows: (It however has a little more info in it which is confusing me) -
=IF(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,1)=D3,IF(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2)=0,"DNP",VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2)&IF(LEN(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2))=7,"","-"&VLOOKUP(C3,table2,2))),"Missing GL Number")
The CUST# is in Column B in Table 1 (1st Tab) and in Column E in the target table. The address is in column I. I realize I will be putting the VLookup formula in column I of the target table.
Also, if it is fairly easy if someone cld interpret the above sample - I'd be very grateful.
Again - thank you 4 taking the time to help. I really appreciate it.
A newbie here. I appreciate any help. I am actually quite good in a # of areas - but not in VLookups. I basically have two tabs with similar lists of customers and misc info. One list has addresses and the other doesn't. Each customer has a customer # reflected on both tabbed page. My formula wld basically be: if customer # on tab 1 ='s customer # on tab 2 - take address from tab 1 and place in customer's row on tab 2.
Thanks 4 anyone helping me with this. I have already entitled the data in tab 1 (where the address is) "Table1."
A sample I was using to try to duplicate is as follows: (It however has a little more info in it which is confusing me) -
=IF(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,1)=D3,IF(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2)=0,"DNP",VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2)&IF(LEN(VLOOKUP(D3,Table1,2))=7,"","-"&VLOOKUP(C3,table2,2))),"Missing GL Number")
The CUST# is in Column B in Table 1 (1st Tab) and in Column E in the target table. The address is in column I. I realize I will be putting the VLookup formula in column I of the target table.
Also, if it is fairly easy if someone cld interpret the above sample - I'd be very grateful.
Again - thank you 4 taking the time to help. I really appreciate it.