I have the following formula below
The ref number in the source file is in Col A
Kindly amend my formula so that where the ref in Col A matches the ref for Shirts in Col J or trousers in Col I then return "item in stock" or "item sold"
Your assistance in this regard is most appreciated
=IF(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A5,'[Group Stock Report.xlsm]shirts'!$J:$J,COLUMNS(J:J),FALSE),VLOOKUP(A5,'[Group Stock Report.xlsm]Trousers'!$I:$I,COLUMNS(I:I),FALSE))="","Item in stock","item Sold")
The ref number in the source file is in Col A
Kindly amend my formula so that where the ref in Col A matches the ref for Shirts in Col J or trousers in Col I then return "item in stock" or "item sold"
Your assistance in this regard is most appreciated