I have a total of 3 worksheets. Two of the 3 consist of a rank from an average of 3 rankers (JS, JJ and SB). On the FINAL worksheet I'm trying to consolidate the information from the previous 2 worksheets and rank (from lowest to highest) from their averages. I have the formula on the FINAL worksheet working I have a total of 3 worksheets. Two of the 3 consist of a rank from an average of 3 rankers (JS, JJ and SB). On the FINAL worksheet I'm trying to consolidate the information from the previous 2 worksheets and rank (from lowest to highest) from their averages. I have the formula on the FINAL worksheet working for Sheet 1...now I just need to incorporate Sheet2 data where Bell is displayed between Brown and Evans on the FINAL worksheet. Attached are 3 images of each of my worksheets as I do not see an option to attach an excel file.
The formula in the RANK column on the FINAL worksheet is:
For the REMANING columns is:
As you can see Sheet1 is within the formula. How do I incorporate Sheet2?
Thank you in advance!
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
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The formula in the RANK column on the FINAL worksheet is:
For the REMANING columns is:
As you can see Sheet1 is within the formula. How do I incorporate Sheet2?
Thank you in advance!
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 500"]

<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o



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