i followed your directions and im still encountering trouble. For example my formula is listed below.
Ladder 21 is the range =Ladders!$U$6:$U$27027. this range holds february wk 2 sales that i want from the Ladders tab of my workbook
Ladders is the range =Ladders!$A$6:$A$27027 . this range is the concatenate of product group 1506 class 5403 and metric Plan sales $. this is my lookup column of all of my different product group and class combinations
On my main data tab here are the cells listed below in the index-match formula I am using to pull information from the Ladders tab
cell M37 is the following formula =CONCATENATE($B37,F37).
result of formula says 15065403Plan Sales $
Cell b37 is the following formula =CONCATENATE(RIGHT(A37,8)) the result is 15065403
Cell A 37 has the following text CL15065403
Cell F37 says Plan Sales $
for some reason this product group 1506 class 5403 pulls 0 as the answer. when i type in product group 1506 class 5401. i get the correct answer. when i put product group 1506, class 5403 under exact match i get the correct answer. Please advise? i sorted the data in the Ladders tab by column B, then column D, then column F in ascending order.
column A in my ladders tab which is my name range called Ladders has the following formula =CONCATENATE(B513,D513,F513)
column B is product group # which is 1506, column D is class # which is 5403, and column F is the sales metric which reads Plan Sales $. Could the problem be that my source data in column D has blank data for the product group totals?