I want to be able to populate 6 cells of data returned from 1 Vlookup using an exact match with a unique lookup value.I don't want to enter a lookup formula in each cell if it can be avoided.
To illustrate,say in Sheet1 I have data in a range from A1 to Z10000 which is given a range name "Budge".The lookup values are contained in column A. In sheet 2,I need the values from A1 returned in columns B,C,D,E,F,G.
So in sheet 2 cell ref B1 the formula will be =vlookup(a1,Budge,2,false) to return the value of Column B in sheet1.I don't want to copy this formula into each of the cells changing the column reference each time.
I don't think Index and Match are needed as i am only refering to a single criteria,ie unique values in column A.I was hoping that Offset might help but alas have been failing.Serious user error!!
In the time taken writing this and searching for a solution I could have done it via multi vlookups and climbed to Base camp at Everest,but that's not the point..it's the challenge....a little like going for the hottest babe in the latest chic nightclub...sorry,too much time spent staring into this screen!!
One more thing,evaluating 3 cells for comparison.And/Or Boolean functions cater for 2 scenarios and so A1=B1=C1 clearly will not work.Concatenating is not an option here.
Please help
Thanks in advance.
To illustrate,say in Sheet1 I have data in a range from A1 to Z10000 which is given a range name "Budge".The lookup values are contained in column A. In sheet 2,I need the values from A1 returned in columns B,C,D,E,F,G.
So in sheet 2 cell ref B1 the formula will be =vlookup(a1,Budge,2,false) to return the value of Column B in sheet1.I don't want to copy this formula into each of the cells changing the column reference each time.
I don't think Index and Match are needed as i am only refering to a single criteria,ie unique values in column A.I was hoping that Offset might help but alas have been failing.Serious user error!!
In the time taken writing this and searching for a solution I could have done it via multi vlookups and climbed to Base camp at Everest,but that's not the point..it's the challenge....a little like going for the hottest babe in the latest chic nightclub...sorry,too much time spent staring into this screen!!
One more thing,evaluating 3 cells for comparison.And/Or Boolean functions cater for 2 scenarios and so A1=B1=C1 clearly will not work.Concatenating is not an option here.
Please help
Thanks in advance.