I have 2 sheets exactly the same except for the title's. One tracks written checks and the other credit card usage. My input from left to right is Payee, date(autofills), Job number, invoice number, customer name, customer detail. I currently use VLookup to populate the last two columns based on the job number. Each sheet only looks at the range of itself however I would like them to look at the range of each other as well. Is this possible?
Current VLookup: =IF([@[RO '#]]<>"",IF(ISNUMBER([@[RO '#]]),VLOOKUP([@[RO '#]],E7958:H9959,3,FALSE),[@[RO '#]]),"")
RO is job number.
First it is confirming the RO is populated (not null) then confirming it is a number (if it is letters then I just populate these cells with the text) and if those pass then it will search for a match in the range.
Range is E:H (I currently have it looking at the last 2000 lines to find a match but it can look at all lines if necessary).
I have tried using range {E7958:H9959,'CC Tracking'!E:H} and {E:H,'CC Tracking'!E:H} and {'Check Tracking'!E:H,'CC Tracking'!E:H} including the { } but it always give the error below and always highlights only the first part of the argument which I have emboldened above. I have clicked the Help button but didn't find anything useful there.
Is it possible to search 2 different ranges on 2 different sheets or am I wasting my time?
Current VLookup: =IF([@[RO '#]]<>"",IF(ISNUMBER([@[RO '#]]),VLOOKUP([@[RO '#]],E7958:H9959,3,FALSE),[@[RO '#]]),"")
RO is job number.
First it is confirming the RO is populated (not null) then confirming it is a number (if it is letters then I just populate these cells with the text) and if those pass then it will search for a match in the range.
Range is E:H (I currently have it looking at the last 2000 lines to find a match but it can look at all lines if necessary).
I have tried using range {E7958:H9959,'CC Tracking'!E:H} and {E:H,'CC Tracking'!E:H} and {'Check Tracking'!E:H,'CC Tracking'!E:H} including the { } but it always give the error below and always highlights only the first part of the argument which I have emboldened above. I have clicked the Help button but didn't find anything useful there.
Is it possible to search 2 different ranges on 2 different sheets or am I wasting my time?