Thanks for the response Bill. I agree, and gathered that you would have a solution for the question.... You Da' Man Baby! But I think it is great to have the interaction that you have w/ the boardmembers and so for that reason mainly, I shot it to you. It is also great that you keep in touch w/ all of us here. I soon will be re-launching my website w/ all the new great features I have been able to incorporate from Excel. It is all due to your site and the members here. I will send you the link when it is completed.
Had I never found MrExcel or you starting this I would have never been able to do what I have done. When I re-launch, I will send you the link. The thing that is most interesting about this is the interconnectivity I have been able to achieve due to Excel, its features and MrExcel. The interesting thing is my POS is from the early 1980's, is DOS and written n Cobol. I have very strict limitations to what I can do w/ it, Item Record length and Item Description length limitations, a two level dept/cat limitation- but I now can take all this and convert it into vastly improved data.
You probably have heard this before, but what you have done here is a great thing. I will always be a loyal member and Fan! You have literally changed my life, and professional career- Thanks for all that you have contributed to us here at MrExcel.
Doug Stroud