Option Explicit
Sub DrawSoccerField()
'// Code to draw Soccerfield done by Greg Truby, March 2007
'// This subroutine requires Aaron Blood's class modules for
'// clsVector, clsArc and clsShape as well as his
'// Kill_Shapes routine.
Const x As Double = 10
Const y As Double = 20
Const c_dblLen As Double = 115
Const c_dblWid As Double = 75
Const c_dScalar As Double = 6.25
Dim vctGoalLineTop As clsVector, _
vctGoalLineBott As clsVector, _
vctSideLineRight As clsVector, _
vctSideLineLeft As clsVector, _
vctLineMidField As clsVector
Dim shpCircMidField As clsShape, _
shpDotMidField As clsShape
Dim vctPos As New clsVector, _
vctPos2 As New clsVector, _
vctPos3 As New clsVector
Dim vctGoalBoxTopLeft As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBoxTopRight As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBoxTopCross As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBoxBottLeft As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBoxBottRight As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBoxBottCross As New clsVector
Dim vctPenaltyTopLeft As New clsVector, _
vctPenaltyTopRight As New clsVector, _
vctPenaltyTopCross As New clsVector, _
vctPenaltyBottLeft As New clsVector, _
vctPenaltyBottRight As New clsVector, _
vctPenaltyBottCross As New clsVector
Dim vctGoalTop As New clsVector, _
vctGoalBott As New clsVector, _
vctPKLineTop As New clsVector, _
vctPKLineBott As New clsVector, _
arcTopPenBox As New clsArc, _
arcBottPenBox As New clsArc
Dim arcCorner1 As New clsArc, _
arcCorner2 As New clsArc, _
arcCorner3 As New clsArc, _
arcCorner4 As New clsArc
Dim vctHash1 As New clsVector, _
vctHash2 As New clsVector, _
vctHash3 As New clsVector, _
vctHash4 As New clsVector
Dim fn As WorksheetFunction
Call Kill_Shapes
Set vctGoalLineTop = New clsVector
Set vctGoalLineBott = New clsVector
Set vctSideLineLeft = New clsVector
Set vctSideLineRight = New clsVector
Set vctLineMidField = New clsVector
Set shpCircMidField = New clsShape
Set shpDotMidField = New clsShape
Set fn = WorksheetFunction
'// Field
With vctGoalLineTop
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblWid
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1.5
.ShapeName = "<GoalLineTop"
End With
With vctSideLineRight
.x1 = vctGoalLineTop.x2
.y1 = vctGoalLineTop.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblLen
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1.5
.ShapeName = "<SideLineRight"
End With
With vctSideLineLeft
.x1 = vctGoalLineTop.x1
.y1 = vctGoalLineTop.y1
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblLen
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1.5
.ShapeName = "<SideLineLeft"
End With
With vctGoalLineBott
.x1 = vctSideLineLeft.x2
.y1 = vctSideLineRight.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblWid
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1.5
.ShapeName = "<GoalLineBott"
End With
'// middle of the field
With vctLineMidField
.x1 = vctSideLineLeft.x1
.y1 = fn.Average(vctSideLineLeft.y1, vctSideLineLeft.y2)
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblWid
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<MidFieldLine"
End With
With shpCircMidField
.y1 = vctLineMidField.y1
.x1 = fn.Average(vctLineMidField.x1, vctLineMidField.x2)
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Radius = 10
.ShapeType = office.msoShapeOval
.FillColor = Color.White
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<MidFieldCircle"
End With
With shpDotMidField
.x1 = shpCircMidField.x1
.y1 = shpCircMidField.y1
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Radius = 0.3
.ShapeType = office.msoShapeOval
.FillColor = Color.Black
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoBringForward
.ShapeName = "<MidFieldDot"
End With
'// top goal box
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 10
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctGoalBoxTopLeft
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 6
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalTopLeft"
End With
With vctGoalBoxTopCross
.x1 = vctGoalBoxTopLeft.x1
.y1 = vctGoalBoxTopLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 20
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalTopCross"
End With
With vctGoalBoxTopRight
.x1 = vctGoalBoxTopCross.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 6
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalTopRight"
End With
'// Bottom Goal Box
With vctGoalBoxBottLeft
.x1 = vctGoalBoxTopLeft.x1
.y1 = vctGoalLineBott.y1
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 6
.Degrees = 0
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalBottLeft"
End With
With vctGoalBoxBottCross
.x1 = vctGoalBoxTopLeft.x1
.y1 = vctGoalBoxBottLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 20
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalBottCross"
End With
With vctGoalBoxBottRight
.x1 = vctGoalBoxBottCross.x2
.y1 = vctGoalBoxBottLeft.y1
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 6
.Degrees = 0
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 0.8
.ShapeName = "<GoalBottRight"
End With
'// top penalty box
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 22
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctPenaltyTopLeft
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 18
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyTopLeft"
End With
With vctPenaltyTopCross
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPenaltyTopLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 44
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyTopCross"
End With
With vctPenaltyTopRight
.x1 = vctPenaltyTopCross.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 18
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyTopRight"
End With
'// Bottom Penalty Box
With vctPenaltyBottLeft
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctGoalLineBott.y1
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 18
.Degrees = 0
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyBottLeft"
End With
With vctPenaltyBottCross
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPenaltyBottLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 44
.Degrees = 90
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyBottCross"
End With
With vctPenaltyBottRight
.x1 = vctPenaltyBottCross.x2
.y1 = vctPenaltyBottCross.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 18
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 1
.ShapeName = "<PenaltyBottRight"
End With
'/ Top PK Line & Arc
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 0.5
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctPos2
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 12
.Degrees = 180
End With
With vctPKLineTop
.x1 = vctPos2.x2
.y1 = vctPos2.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.Degrees = 90
End With
With arcTopPenBox
.x1 = fn.Average(vctPKLineTop.x1, vctPKLineTop.x2)
.y1 = vctPKLineTop.y1
.Radius = 10
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 127
.Deg2 = 233
.Weight = 0.01
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 4
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctPos2
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = y
.Length = 0.5
.Degrees = 0
End With
With vctGoalTop
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPos2.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 8
.Degrees = 90
.LineWeight = 2
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
End With
'/ Bott PK Line & Arc
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = vctGoalLineBott.y1
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 0.5
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctPos2
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPos.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 12
.Degrees = 0
End With
With vctPKLineBott
.x1 = vctPos2.x2
.y1 = vctPos2.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.Degrees = 90
End With
With arcBottPenBox
.x1 = fn.Average(vctPKLineBott.x1, vctPKLineBott.x2)
.y1 = vctPKLineBott.y1
.Radius = 10
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 307
.Deg2 = 53
.Weight = 0.01
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = vctGoalLineBott.y1
.Length = c_dblWid / 2 - 4
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctPos2
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPos.y1
.Length = 0.5
.Degrees = 180
End With
With vctGoalBott
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = vctPos2.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 8
.Degrees = 90
.LineWeight = 2
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
End With
'// Corner Arcs
With arcCorner1
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Radius = 1.25
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 90
.Deg2 = 180
.Weight = 0.08
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
With arcCorner2
.x1 = vctGoalLineTop.x2
.y1 = y
.Radius = 1.25
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 180
.Deg2 = 270
.Weight = 0.08
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
With arcCorner3
.x1 = x
.y1 = vctSideLineLeft.y2
.Radius = 1.25
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 0
.Deg2 = 90
.Weight = 0.08
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
With arcCorner4
.x1 = vctGoalLineBott.x2
.y1 = vctSideLineLeft.y2
.Radius = 1.25
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Deg1 = 270
.Deg2 = 0
.Weight = 0.08
.Transparency = 0
.zOrder = MsoZOrderCmd.msoSendToBack
.ColorIndex = Color.Black
End With
'// Hash Marks
With vctPos
.x1 = x
.y1 = y
.Length = 11
.Degrees = 90
End With
With vctHash1
.x1 = vctPos.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.Degrees = 0
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 2
End With
With vctPos2
.x1 = vctGoalLineTop.x2
.y1 = y
.Length = 11
.Degrees = 270
End With
With vctHash2
.x1 = vctPos2.x2
.y1 = y
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.Degrees = 0
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 2
End With
With vctHash3
.x1 = vctHash1.x1
.y1 = vctSideLineLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 2
End With
With vctHash4
.x1 = vctHash2.x1
.y1 = vctSideLineLeft.y2
.Scalar = c_dScalar
.Length = 1
.Degrees = 180
.ArrowHeadBeg = msoArrowheadNone
.ArrowHeadEnd = msoArrowheadNone
.LineWeight = 2
End With
'// Draw Sequence
End Sub