Hi everyone,
All I want to do is to get specific information from a website as a list.
Below code works just fine and creates list of daily FX rates. But in holidays (e.g. weekends and christmas) the page does not exist so those days are not listed. It lists only workdays. But I need to list every day between the defined dates in Cell "start_date" and "today_date".
But I want to add a condition such as these (stuck on #3 and 4
1- List all dates between beginning and ending to Column A
2- And import the values from the link to corresponding column
3- if the page link gives error or doesn't exists (which means its weekend or holiday) (this link for example: http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/201512/27122015.xml),
Copy values from the last workday.
Thursday: USD 2.91, EUR 3.01
Friday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Saturday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Sunday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Monday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Tuesday (assume its holiday): USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Wednesday (assume its holiday): USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Thank you in advance for your help and appreciate all suggestions.
All I want to do is to get specific information from a website as a list.
Below code works just fine and creates list of daily FX rates. But in holidays (e.g. weekends and christmas) the page does not exist so those days are not listed. It lists only workdays. But I need to list every day between the defined dates in Cell "start_date" and "today_date".
But I want to add a condition such as these (stuck on #3 and 4

1- List all dates between beginning and ending to Column A
2- And import the values from the link to corresponding column
3- if the page link gives error or doesn't exists (which means its weekend or holiday) (this link for example: http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/201512/27122015.xml),
Copy values from the last workday.
Thursday: USD 2.91, EUR 3.01
Friday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Saturday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Sunday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Monday: USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Tuesday (assume its holiday): USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Wednesday (assume its holiday): USD 2.8, EUR 2.95
Thank you in advance for your help and appreciate all suggestions.
Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim Date_Start As Date
Dim Date_Last As Date
Dim Total_Days As Integer
Dim Days As Date
Dim i As Integer
Dim act_row As Range
Dim FXRate_Header As Range
Date_Start = ws_Veri.Range("start_date").Value
Date_Last = ws_Veri.Range("today_date").Value
Total_Days = Date_Last - Date_Start + 1
On Error Resume Next
ws_Veri.Range("C5:G5").Resize(Rows.Count - 5).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).ClearContents
Err = 0
Set FXRate_Header = ws_Veri.Range("B4:G4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Please define FX Rates in cells C4:G4 " & vbCrLf & "(e.g., USD, EUR, GBP)", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Set act_row = ws_Veri.Range("B5")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For i = 0 To Total_Days - 1
Days = Date_Start + i
Call FXRATES_XML(Days, act_row, FXRate_Header)
Next i
Unload frm_Cancel
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Sub FXRATES_XML(ByVal Days As Date, ByRef act_row As Range, FXRate_Header As Range)
Dim objXML As Object
Dim nd_Tarih_Date As Object
Dim nd_Currency As Object
Set objXML = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
Dim i As Integer
Dim c As Range
Dim dt_Format_as_ddmmyyy As String
Dim dt_Format_as_yyyymm As String
dt_Format_as_ddmmyyy = Format(gun, "ddmmyyyy")
dt_Format_as_yyyymm = Format(gun, "yyyymm")
objXML.async = False
If objXML.Load("http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/kurlar/" & dt_Format_as_yyyymm & "/" & dt_Format_as_ddmmyyy & ".xml") Then
act_row(, "A").NumberFormat = "[$-41F]DD-MMM-YYYY DDDD"
act_row(, "A").Value = Days
For Each nd_Tarih_Date In objXML.selectnodes("Tarih_Date")
For Each nd_Currency In nd_Tarih_Date.selectnodes("Currency")
For Each c In FXRate_Header
If nd_Currency.attributes(2).nodevalue = c.Value Then
act_row(, c.Column - 1).Value = nd_Currency.childnodes(3).Text
Exit For
End If
Next c
Next nd_Currency
Next nd_Tarih_Date
Set act_row = act_row.Offset(1)
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End If
End Sub