Hi I'm producing a user form for the purposes of data entry, I have two queries which I'm hoping the experts here can guide me with.
The first one I'm hoping is a simple tweak in the code, but i have no experience of using formula in vba and not sure how to start it. Pretty sure its a IF function though.
Currently I have the basic day, date and time (label36) displayed on a user form in different labels, however for the nature of this form I need the time to display a fixed time on the half hour every hour if it is between certain time periods, e.g. if between 06:00:00-06:59:59 then display 06:30:00 and so on for the next 17 hours.
(note for the keen eyed, I have just formatted the label to cut off the :ss of the time as the user doesn't need to see them but thought getting rid entirely would have an adverse effect, they are there just not visible so that shouldn't impact the code)

User enters their data, hits Submit;
This data then gets sent to Lastrow. And here is where my next question comes in, instead of Lastrow can a "lookup" or "index/indexmatch" type formula be used to read the Time Label on the form, then lookup/match in the destination sheet and place in the appropriate cell? (the reasoning for this is sometimes a count can be missed and if lastrow is used when the next data is input it will be in the wrong place)
Userform Submit button code below;
Below is a screengrab of "Sheet59" where the data ends up (59!! yep I know too many sheets - previous iterations of this spreadsheet had data entry sheets with 1 sheet per week) I'm looking to make this more lightweight and user friendly via the Userform and so far have dispensed with 52 sheets.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The first one I'm hoping is a simple tweak in the code, but i have no experience of using formula in vba and not sure how to start it. Pretty sure its a IF function though.
Currently I have the basic day, date and time (label36) displayed on a user form in different labels, however for the nature of this form I need the time to display a fixed time on the half hour every hour if it is between certain time periods, e.g. if between 06:00:00-06:59:59 then display 06:30:00 and so on for the next 17 hours.
Private Sub Userform_Initialize() Label35 = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
Label34 = Format(Now(), "dddd")
Label36 = Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")
End Sub
(note for the keen eyed, I have just formatted the label to cut off the :ss of the time as the user doesn't need to see them but thought getting rid entirely would have an adverse effect, they are there just not visible so that shouldn't impact the code)

User enters their data, hits Submit;
This data then gets sent to Lastrow. And here is where my next question comes in, instead of Lastrow can a "lookup" or "index/indexmatch" type formula be used to read the Time Label on the form, then lookup/match in the destination sheet and place in the appropriate cell? (the reasoning for this is sometimes a count can be missed and if lastrow is used when the next data is input it will be in the wrong place)
Userform Submit button code below;
Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click() Dim LastRow As Long, ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheet59
LastRow = ws.Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'Finds the last blank row
ws.Range("E" & LastRow).Value = TextBox193.Text
ws.Range("G" & LastRow).Value = TextBox194.Text
ws.Range("I" & LastRow).Value = TextBox195.Text
ws.Range("K" & LastRow).Value = TextBox196.Text
ws.Range("M" & LastRow).Value = TextBox197.Text
ws.Range("O" & LastRow).Value = TextBox198.Text
ws.Range("Q" & LastRow).Value = TextBox199.Text
ws.Range("S" & LastRow).Value = TextBox200.Text
ws.Range("U" & LastRow).Value = TextBox201.Text
End Sub
Below is a screengrab of "Sheet59" where the data ends up (59!! yep I know too many sheets - previous iterations of this spreadsheet had data entry sheets with 1 sheet per week) I'm looking to make this more lightweight and user friendly via the Userform and so far have dispensed with 52 sheets.

Any and all help greatly appreciated. Thank you.