I am replicating a risk assessment form in excel. I would like to have a userform for data entry and calculation of values and then print a completed form for signature. I am learning VBA and am making good progress but have a ways to go still. I am not trying to get the form designed and completed by anyone just looking for a way to get started with some of the sections. Of particular concern are the sections where there are three columns and only the highest column total is used. I'm also still trying to work out how, on designated entries they automatically make the overall risk a medium or high regardless of total risk value. I can not decide if I should utilize VBA to calculate everything or maybe create a userform that enters data onto a hidden sheet where it is calculated and then sent to the actual form that gets printed. I am looking to utilize good practices so that when I move to a different position the form can be modified and updated as needed. Hopefully this isn't too cryptic and with the attached pdf original someone will have an idea of what I am attempting to do. I have been unsuccessful attaching a file so if anyone has any expertise in this area or an idea I can email the attachment.