VBA: Use Replace to Remove space, comma, dash from Strings


Board Regular
Dec 19, 2014
Hi all,

I am updating an old macro and trying to use the replace function instead of two nested loops that process every character in the columns to remove all spaces, commas and dashes in the strings (addresses). My macro runs but does not replace anything. At the moment, I can get neither approach to work. Any help or suggestions is appreciated!


i = 3
        Do Until i = lastrowSh3 + 1
            mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value, " ", "")
            mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value, "-", "")
            mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value, ",", "")
If mainSh3.Range("C" & i) = 0 Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = ""
            mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value, " ", "")
            mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value, "-", "")
            mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = Replace(mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value, ",", "")
            i = i + 1

remove extra characters
        i = 3
        Do Until i = lastrowSh3 + 1
           strString = mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value
            strOut = ""
                If IsError(strString) Then GoTo SkipCell
                    For lngLoop = 1 To Len(strString)
                        If (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> " ") And (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> "-") And (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> ",") Then
                            strOut = strOut & Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1)
                        End If
                mainSh3.Range("C" & i).Value = strOut
            If mainSh3.Range("C" & i) = 0 Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = ""
        i = i + 1
        i = 2
        Do Until i = lastrowSh3 + 1
            strString = mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value
            strOut = ""
                If IsError(strString) Then GoTo SkipCell2
                    For lngLoop = 1 To Len(strString)
                        If (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> " ") And (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> "-") And (Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1) <> ",") Then
                           strOut = strOut & Mid(strString, lngLoop, 1)
                       End If
            mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = strOut
            If mainSh3.Range("D" & i) = 0 Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Value = ""
        i = i + 1
How about
   Dim i As Long
   Dim Ary As Variant
   Ary = Array(" ", "-", ",")
   For i = 0 To UBound(Ary)
      mainsh3.Range("C3:D" & lastrowSh3).Replace Ary(i), "", xlPart, , , , False, False
   Next i
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What was the value of lastrowSh3, when you ran it?
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I set a breakpoint at the end of the code, and according to my locals window, the value is 2.

There is a line that uses autofilter to remove all the rows with the tag "REMOVE". But on the data I'm using, there are none to be removed, so I don't know why the lastrowSh3 isn't working?

Prior to this line the value of lastrowSh3 is 1953.

Option Base 1
Public Sub CompPREPAYTQ()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim tqLong, prepayLong As String
    Dim macroWB, mainWB, prepayWB, tqWB As Workbook
    Dim mainSh1, mainSh2, mainSh3, tqSh1, tqSh2, tqSh3, prepaySh1, macroSh1 As Worksheet
    Dim tpsUserCount As Integer
    Dim dayCount1 As Long
    Dim dayCount2 As Double
    Dim lastrowMacSh As Integer: lastrowMacSh = 0
    Dim lastrowSh2 As Integer: lastrowSh2 = 0
    Dim lastrowSh3 As Integer: lastrowSh3 = 0
    Dim tpsUsers As Variant
    Dim sort1, sort2, sort3, sort4 As Range
    Dim prepRng, tqRng As Range
    Dim archivePath1 As String
    Dim archivePath2 As String
    Dim archivePath3 As String
    Dim bkName, fileStr, fileName As String
        archivePath1 = "C:\Alex\Documents\"
        archivePath2 = archivePath1 & Year(Now) & " " & "Reviewed\"
        archivePath3 = archivePath2 & MonthName(Month(Now)) & "\"
            Call CheckForPaths(archivePath1, archivePath2)
            Call CheckOnePath(archivePath3)
                'Ask the user which report they are uploading
                bkName = InputBox(Prompt:="Please input either ""TQ41"" or ""TQ46"".", _
                    Title:="Which report?")
                    If bkName <> "TQ41" And bkName <> "TQ46" Then
                        MsgBox "Please enter either ""TQ41"" or ""TQ46"" in to the message box!"
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
        fileStr = "REVIEWED_" & Format(Date - 1, "MMDDYYYY") & "_" & Format(Date, "MMDDYYYY") & " " & bkName & ".xlsx"
        fileName = archivePath3 & fileStr
    Set macroWB = ThisWorkbook
    Set mainWB = Workbooks.Add
    mainWB.Sheets.Add After:=Sheet1, Count:=2
        Set macroSh1 = macroWB.Sheets(1)
        Set mainSh1 = mainWB.Sheets(1)
        Set mainSh2 = mainWB.Sheets(2)
        Set mainSh3 = mainWB.Sheets(3)
            mainSh1.Name = "Results"
            mainSh2.Name = "Prepayment Report"
            mainSh3.Name = "TQ Report"
    lastrowMacSh = macroSh1.Rows.Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row
    tpsUserCount = lastrowMacSh - 1
    tpsUsers = macroSh1.Range("B2:B" & lastrowMacSh)
        MsgBox ("Locate and select the PREPAYMENT REPORT.")
            prepayLong = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
                If IsNull(prepayLong) Or prepayLong = "" Then Exit Sub
        MsgBox ("Next, locate and select the TQ REPORT.")
            tqLong = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1)
                If IsNull(tqLong) Or tqLong = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set prepayWB = Workbooks.Open(prepayLong)
    Set prepaySh1 = prepayWB.Sheets(1)
        mainSh2.Columns("A:A").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
        prepayWB.Close True
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Set tqWB = Workbooks.Open(tqLong)
    Set tqSh1 = tqWB.Sheets(1)
        mainSh3.Columns("A:D").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
            mainSh3.Range("A2").Value = "Match?"
            mainSh3.Range("B2").Value = "UID"
            mainSh3.Range("C2").Value = "TQReport"
            mainSh3.Range("D2").Value = "PrepayRpt"
        tqWB.Close True
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    lastrowSh2 = mainSh2.Rows.Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row
    mainSh2.Range("A2").Formula = "=RIGHT(""00000000""&trim(D2),8)&RIGHT(""000000000""&trim(E2),9)"
    mainSh2.Range("A3:A" & lastrowSh2).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
    lastrowSh3 = mainSh3.Rows.Range("e65536").End(xlUp).Row
    mainSh3.Range("A3").Formula = "=IFERROR(IF(C3=D3,""Match"",""No Match!""),""No Match!"")"
    mainSh3.Range("B3").Formula = "=RIGHT(""00000000""&trim(E3),8)&RIGHT(""000000000""&trim(F3),9)"
    mainSh3.Range("C3").Formula = "=trim(J3)"
    mainSh3.Range("A4:C" & lastrowSh3).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
    mainSh3.Range("C3:C" & lastrowSh3).Copy
    mainSh3.Range("C3:C" & lastrowSh3).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    mainSh3.Range("Q3:Q" & lastrowSh3).Value = "REMOVE"
        i = 3
        Do Until i = lastrowSh3 + 1
            j = 1
            Do Until j = tpsUserCount
                If Trim(mainSh3.Range("N" & i).Value) = Trim(tpsUsers(j, 1)) Then mainSh3.Range("Q" & i).Value = Null
                j = j + 1
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "PARTICIPANT NAME" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,7,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "IN CARE OF" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,8,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "ADDRESS LINE 1" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,9,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "ADDRESS LINE 2" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,10,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "FINANCIAL INSTITUTN" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,17,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "FOR BENEFIT OF" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,18,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "ALT PAYEE ADDR LINE1" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,19,FALSE)"
    If Trim(mainSh3.Range("H" & i).Value) = "ALT PAYEE ADDR LINE2" Then mainSh3.Range("D" & i).Formula = "="""" & VLOOKUP(B" & i & ",'Prepayment Report'!A:AG,20,FALSE)"
            i = i + 1
    mainSh3.Range("D3:D" & lastrowSh3).Copy
    mainSh3.Range("D3:D" & lastrowSh3).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    'remove unwanted TPS users
        With mainSh3
            .AutoFilterMode = False
            .Range("A2:Q2").AutoFilter _
            Field:=17, Criteria1:="=REMOVE"
        End With
            lastrowSh3 = mainSh3.Rows.Range("q65536").End(xlUp).Row
            mainSh3.Rows("3:" & lastrowSh3).Delete Shift:=xlUp
            lastrowSh3 = mainSh3.Rows.Range("e65536").End(xlUp).Row
        mainSh3.AutoFilterMode = False
        'remove extra characters
        Set prepRng = mainSh3.Range("C3:C" & lastrowSh3)
        Set tqRng = mainSh3.Range("D3:D" & lastrowSh3)
        Dim k As Long
        Dim Ary As Variant
            Ary = Array(" ", "-", ",")
            For k = 1 To UBound(Ary)
                mainSh3.Range("C3:D" & lastrowSh3).Replace Ary(k), "", xlPart, , , , False, False
            Next k
        Set sort1 = Range("A2:Q2")
        Set sort2 = Range("A2")
        Set sort3 = Range("E2")
        Set sort4 = Range("F2")
            With mainSh3.Sort
                .SortFields.Add Key:=sort2, Order:=xlDescending
                .SortFields.Add Key:=sort3, Order:=xlDescending
                .SortFields.Add Key:=sort4, Order:=xlDescending
                .SetRange sort1
                .Header = xlYes
            End With
            With mainSh3
                 .AutoFilterMode = False
                 .Range("A2:Q2").AutoFilter _
                 Field:=1, Criteria1:="=Match"
             End With
    mainSh3.Columns("B:B").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    mainSh1.Range("A2").Value = "# Matches"
    mainSh1.Range("A3").Value = "# W/O Matches"
    mainSh1.Range("B1").Value = "Results"
    mainSh1.Range("B2").Formula = "=COUNTIF('TQ Report'!A:A,""Match"")"
    mainSh1.Range("B3").Formula = "=COUNTIF('TQ Report'!A:A,""No Match!"")"
    mainSh1.Range("A1:B1,A2:A3").Font.Bold = True
    mainWB.SaveAs fileName
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
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Swap these 2 lines round
lastrowSh3 = mainSh3.Rows.Range("e65536").End(xlUp).Row
        mainSh3.AutoFilterMode = False
If there is nothing visible with the autofilter, then the last row will be row 2
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Glad to help & thanks for the feedback
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