
Active Member
Mar 8, 2018
Office Version
  1. 2010
  1. Windows
Dear All Master,

1. I want the exact formula in the vba code in column B in the sheet "INPUT BOJ" & "INPUT M18" because using an array formula makes it slow because the data to be input is about ten thousand rows.
You can see an example of an array formula that I created in column B. So I want the vba code for the concept or process to be the same as using a formula such as, for example, type enter,
type tab then automatically, copy in column itc then automatically appears in column itm.
2. I want a pop up search based on ITM and help criteria. In the pop up, I just need to enter the selected one and then automatically enter the INPUT-m18 & INPUT-boj sheet in the ITC column.
The row info or original data record in ifg-m18 & ifg-boj is about fifty thousand rows.
I also coded the vba but this is not perfect or maybe there is another solution.


VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub multivlookupV1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 With Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(2, 7).End(xlDown))
       .FormulaR1C1 = "=IF([@ITC]="""","""",IF([@KET]=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT([@ITC],Table_Query_from_TT1_NOW[ITC]),Table_Query_from_TT1_NOW[ITM]),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT([@ITC],Table_Query_from_now[ITC]),Table_Query_from_now[ITM])))"
       .Value = .Value
 End With
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  With Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(2, 7).End(xlDown))
       .FormulaR1C1 = "=IF([@ITC]="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT([@ITC],Table_Query_from_TT1_NOW[ITC]),Table_Query_from_TT1_NOW[ITM]))"
       .Value = .Value
 End With
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End Sub
VBA Code:
VBA Code:
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
VBA Code:
Dear Mr .maabadi,

please provide a solution for points 1 & 2 by modifying the vba code and reply with the excel file that I attached.

Upvote 0
Try this at your WorkSheet:
VBA Code:
Sub multivlookupV1()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr3 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh3 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh3 = Sheets("INPUT BOJ")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr3 = Sh3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 With Sh3
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",IF(E2=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & "),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG BOJ'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr4 & "),'IFG BOJ'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr4 & "))),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr3)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value
 End With
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr2 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh2 = Sheets("INPUT M18")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr2 = Sh2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 With Sh2
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & ")),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr2)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value
 End With
 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 End Sub
Upvote 0
Try this at your WorkSheet:
VBA Code:
Sub multivlookupV1()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr3 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh3 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh3 = Sheets("INPUT BOJ")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr3 = Sh3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh3
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",IF(E2=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & "),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG BOJ'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr4 & "),'IFG BOJ'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr4 & "))),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr3)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr2 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh2 = Sheets("INPUT M18")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr2 = Sh2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh2
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & ")),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr2)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Dear Maabadi,

I have tried the VBA code you provide. It has been running but provided that the g column in the input-m18 & ifg-md2 sheet must be empty if it is filled and continue the blank, then it cannot use the vba code. Then for the first point I want the vba to code the concept like an excel formula by typing then enter, type then tab, copy in the itc column.

Upvote 0
I don't understand what you say exactly?
1. You want formula at column G.
Or .... Values .
2. YOU want copy formula from one column to another
Upvote 0
I don't understand what you say exactly?
1. You want formula at column G.
Or .... Values .
2. YOU want copy formula from one column to another
answer to question number 1: I want the value in column G with the same process as the formula but the value may appear if I am not mistaken with the event code vba. answer to question number 2: only in column g it doesn't copy to another but the problem is I use the vba code from you first filled in column g then there is a data record or row that I just tried your vba code can't so I have to clear from g2 to the last then I can use your vba code.
Upvote 0
If you want first Clear all Values From Column G then Apply Formula Add This line Before Line of FormulaArray at Both Macro Code
VBA Code:
.Range("G2:G" & Lr2).ClearContents
VBA Code:
Sub multivlookupV1()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr3 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh3 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh3 = Sheets("INPUT BOJ")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr3 = Sh3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh3
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).ClearContents
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",IF(E2=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & "),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG BOJ'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr4 & "),'IFG BOJ'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr4 & "))),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr3)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr2 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh2 = Sheets("INPUT M18")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr2 = Sh2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh2
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).ClearContents
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & ")),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr2)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
If you want first Clear all Values From Column G then Apply Formula Add This line Before Line of FormulaArray at Both Macro Code
VBA Code:
.Range("G2:G" & Lr2).ClearContents
VBA Code:
Sub multivlookupV1()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr3 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh3 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh3 = Sheets("INPUT BOJ")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr3 = Sh3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh3
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).ClearContents
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",IF(E2=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & "),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG BOJ'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr4 & "),'IFG BOJ'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr4 & "))),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr3)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr2 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh2 = Sheets("INPUT M18")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr2 = Sh2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh2
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).ClearContents
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFNA(IF(A2="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & ")),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr2)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Dear Mr. Maabadi,
Thank you for your reply sorry if I just replied.
I have tried the VBA code from you and it works and I fixed the ifna formula to iferror because I am using the 2010 version of Excel and I forgot to update it on my profile.
I tried to record more custom records and the VBA code is very long. I attach the results of the time and also the file so you can try. One more thing that I convey is that the process is the same as the formula, namely Worksheet Events calls the vba module.
result timer.PNG

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub multivlookupV1()
Dim t
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr3 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh3 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
t = Timer
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh3 = Sheets("INPUT BOJ")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr3 = Sh3.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh3
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(IF(A2="""","""",IF(E2=""M18"",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & "),LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG BOJ'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr4 & "),'IFG BOJ'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr4 & "))),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr3)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr3).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Debug.Print "It's done in: " & Timer - t & " seconds"
End Sub
Sub multivlookupV2()
Dim Lr1 As Long, Lr2 As Long, Lr4 As Long, Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet, Sh4 As Worksheet
Set Sh1 = Sheets("IFG M18")
Set Sh2 = Sheets("INPUT M18")
Set Sh4 = Sheets("IFG BOJ")
Lr1 = Sh1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr2 = Sh2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Lr4 = Sh4.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sh2
       .Range("G2").FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(IF(A2="""","""",LOOKUP(2,1/EXACT(A2,'IFG M18'!$D$2:$D$" & Lr1 & "),'IFG M18'!$C$2:$C$" & Lr1 & ")),"""")"
       .Range("G2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("G2:G" & Lr2)
       .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value = .Range("G2:G" & Lr2).Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
What means More Custom Records?
And Again I Don't Understand What you want Exactly?
Upvote 0

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