I'm trying to create a new array from a larger array that has 4087 rows and 19 columns. I cycle through the main array to count the number of records matching the year 2017 of which there are 714. So my new array will be 714 rows by 11 columns. Most of the undernoted code works including the ReDim but falls down when I try to move the data from the main array (cb) to the new one (cb2). Is there something I'm missing here. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks.
Sub testArray()
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long
Dim cb()
Dim cb2()
cb = Range("cbdata") ' 4087 rows 19 columns
lb1 = LBound(cb, 1) ' lr
ub1 = UBound(cb, 1) ' ur
lb2 = LBound(cb, 2) ' lc
ub2 = UBound(cb, 2) ' uc
n = 0: p = 0
' clear immediate window
For i = 0 To 200
Next i
' get number of records relating to 2017 year - held in column 17
For r = 1 To ub1 ' rows
p = p + 1
'For c = 1 To ub2 ' columns
If cb(r, 17) = 2017 Then
Debug.Print "cb ", cb(r, 1), cb(r, 2), cb(r, 7), cb(r, 8) ' reports data ok
n = n + 1
End If
'Next c
Next r
' above code works ok
' move only 2017 (year) records to new array
ReDim cb2(1 To n, 1 To 11) ' n = 714
' msgbox lbound(cb2,1) & cr & ubound(cb2,1) & cr & lbound(cb2,2) & cr & ubound(cb2,2)
' msgbox reports - 1, 714, 1, 11 so redim is working.
n = 0
For r = 1 To ub1 ' rows
If cb(r, 17) = 2017 Then
n = n + 1
cb2(n, 1) = cb(r, 1)
cb2(n, 2) = cb(r, 2)
cb2(n, 3) = cb(r, 3)
cb2(n, 4) = cb(r, 4)
cb2(n, 5) = cb(r, 5)
cb2(n, 6) = cb(r, 6)
If cb(r, 8) < 0 Then cb2(n, 7) = "Cr" Else cb2(n, 7) = "Dr"
cb2(n, 8) = cb(r, 8)
cb2(n, 9) = cb(r, 9)
cb2(n, 10) = ":"
cb2(n, 11) = "CB"
End If
Debug.Print "cb ", cb(r, 1), cb(r, 2), cb(r, 7), cb(r, 8)
'Debug.Print "cb2 ", cb2(n, 1), cb2(n, 2), cb2(n, 7), cb2(n, 8)
' subscript out of range with above line uncommented
' no data seems to get written cb2
Next r
Debug.Print "Rows:", lb1, ub1
Debug.Print "Cols:", lb2, ub2
Debug.Print "Recs:", p, n
End Sub