I am trying to write an SQL query using parameters in an Excel Worksheet and then return the results to the current sheet ar cell B11. I have found it imposible to make it work in SQL so am trying to run it from VBA to pass the parameters. These are named cells StartDate and EndDate in cells A2 & A3 respectively and should replace the constant dates below. I am working in Excel2003 & MS SQL 2012.
I have tested the query on SQL server with fixed values (which are still in it). It works fine & I have pasted it in.
I took an existing query I found & tried to modify it for Excel2003 but ... Whatever syntax I use, I get a Run-time error 424 when I get to a line with 'connection'
What have I done wrong
I have tested the query on SQL server with fixed values (which are still in it). It works fine & I have pasted it in.
I took an existing query I found & tried to modify it for Excel2003 but ... Whatever syntax I use, I get a Run-time error 424 when I get to a line with 'connection'
Sub DateQuery()
With ActiveWorksheet.connections("ndserver01").oledbconnection
' .Connection = "OLEDB; DSN=Excel Files; provider=SQLOLEDB; Catalog=NDM_Sage200;Data Source=ndserver01"
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=True
.CommandType = xlCmdSql
' .ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Select
' .Range("a2:a3").Select
.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT A.AccountNumber, AccountName AS 'Name', COALESCE(R.SumAc,0) AS 'SumAc'" & _
"FROM qryNLSLPLPostedTrans A LEFT JOIN" & _
"(" & _
"SELECT AccountNumber, SUM(GoodsValueInBaseCurrency) AS 'SumAc'" & _
"(" & _
"SELECT AccountNumber, SUM(GoodsValueInBaseCurrency) AS 'SumAc'" & _
"FROM qryNLSLPLPostedTrans" & _
"WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN '2012-07-01' AND '2013-06-30'" & _
"GROUP BY AccountNumber" & _
") R" & _
"ON A.AccountNumber=R.AccountNumber" & _
"ORDER BY AccountNumber, AccountName"
End With
End Sub
What have I done wrong