I have a problem with my vba code. When ran, it opens a userform and the user can select a .xls and click ok. It runs fine. However, if the user has ANY other xls files open it copies contents from those as well. I just want it to copy from the .xls selected in the listbox. Here is the code of interest.
'Deletes any accidentally saved sheets from previous run
Do Until Sheets(1).Name = "SOTAnalogs"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Opens each worksheet selected as individual spreadsheets
Dim i, added_sheet_count As Integer
Workbooks.Open ListBox1.List(i)
'Name of open workbook
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Unload UserForm2
'Moves individual sheets into the same workbook adding it to the first page position each time
i = 0
Counter_temp = 0
For Each w In Workbooks
If w.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
w.Sheets(1).copy before:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
w.Sheets(2).copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
w.Sheets(3).copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
w.Sheets(4).copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3)
'Check for Counter data in PA Sheet
If w.Sheets(5).Cells(7, 1).Value <> Empty Then
w.Sheets(5).copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(4)
Counter_temp = 1
End If
i = i + 1
End If
Next w
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False