The purpose of my code is to navigate to a web page (intranet), log in, click on some links and finally reach a page where I can select "Edit" from a combobox that will then give me a popup in (java?) where I can edit the division. The combobox values seem to dynamically change based off of a previous selection yet there are always three choices. The combobox has three choices:
1) Division currently selected
2) Clear
3) Edit
This is my code so far
This is the html code associated with the combobox in question
Changing the value of the comboxbox and using the onfire event doesnt work either. The page will reload to the exact same page where it was before I changed the value of the combox. Using selectedindex give me Error 438 the object doesnt support method
Btw, I am using IE9
1) Division currently selected
2) Clear
3) Edit
This is my code so far
Sub gettable()
Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Dim ieDoc As Object
Dim WaitTime As Integer
Dim Popup As Object
Dim hwnd As Long
Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument
'Dim ieTable As Object
'Dim clip As DataObject
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer
ieApp.Visible = True
'assume we're not logged in and just go directly to the login page'
ieApp.Navigate "Website"
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
Set ieDoc = ieApp.document
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'fill in the login form - View Source from your browser to get the control names
With ieApp.document.forms(0)
.j_user.Value = "Username"
.j_Password.Value = "Password"
End With
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
'if already logged in skips login
ieApp.Navigate "Website that can be loaded once signed in"
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
For Each Link In ieDoc.Links
If Link.innerText = "OK" Then Link.Click
Next Link
'I had to loop until the website url became a different url because ie stops running but something in (java?) is running and causes the site to change after a couple of seconds'
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.LocationURL = "Final Webpage": DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
'From this page, I needed to click on a link called filter which would let me then change some values from different comboboxes'
For Each Link In ieDoc.Links
If Link.innerText = "Filter" Then Exit For
Next Link
Do While ieApp.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do Until ieApp.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
'This is where my code get stuck'
'ieDoc.getElementById("FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox-r").SelectedIndex = 2
End Sub
This is the html code associated with the combobox in question
Changing the value of the comboxbox and using the onfire event doesnt work either. The page will reload to the exact same page where it was before I changed the value of the combox. Using selectedindex give me Error 438 the object doesnt support method
Btw, I am using IE9
<td class="urLayoutDefault">
<span class="urCoB2Whl" id="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox-r" onmousedown="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_mousedown('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" *******="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_click('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" onsc="sapbi_acComboBox_callCustomScript([['BI_ADVANCED','FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown',0],['BI_COMMAND_TYPE','SELECTION_CHANGED',0],['TARGET_ITEM_REF','FILTER_PANE',0],['CONTROLID','FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',0],['EVENT',event,0]],event);">
<input tabIndex="0" class="urCoB2TxtDdl" id="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox" style="width: 17ex;" onkeydown="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_keydown('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" onkeypress="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_keypress('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" onfocus="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_focusDdlb('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" onblur="sapUrMapi_ComboBox_blurDdlb('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" onselectstart="ur_EVT_cancel('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox',event);" readOnly="" ct="CB" ti="0" st="" tp="DD" ic="2" vs="Show All Values" vt="true" op="false" lid="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox" ks="current" k="current" value="Show All Values"/>
<input tabIndex="-1" class="urCoB2Btn" id="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_combobox-btn" type="text" readOnly=""/>
<div class="urCob2Ilb" id="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox-r">
***** style="display: none;">
Text - <span id="FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox" st="" class="urCob2Box" ***********="me.sapUrMapi_ItemListBox_mouseover('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox',document,event);" *******="me.sapUrMapi_ItemListBox_click('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox',document,event);" onfocus="me.sapUrMapi_ItemListBox_focus('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox',document,event);" onselectstart="me.ur_EVT_cancel('FILTER_PANE_ac_unid5_dropdown_itemlistbox',event);" style="width:10px;height:0;"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" multi="false" pop="true" w="0" h="0" v="10" s="2" vcol="1" cols="1"><tbody><tr k="current" class="urIlb2ISel"><td class="urCob2I">Show All Values</td></tr><tr k="edit"><td class="urCob2I">Edit</td></tr></table></span>
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