I'm sorry but I don't have a drop box. The primary key is an ID field so that they can all be differentiated. The next field over is type, then the action item, assigned to, due date, date completed, status and a field that links this table to another table. These are all sub values. So when a record is made it goes into a DIFFERENT table. that table contains the name of the event, where it happened, when it happened, etc. But one single event (a tornado for example) Could have multiple action items which is why this is a subform. I need the "type" to say 1 2 or 3 so that later on it can be differentiated between what kind of action item it was. The important part to know is that I need a code that will allow it so that when I type something into one subform it goes into the table "Action Items" AND the value 1 2 or 3 goes into the "type" column. All three subforms lead to the same table. They all put it into the "Action Item" field. But Depending on which subform I'm submitting it from I ALSO want it to add a 1 2 or 3 to the "type" field. I think it will end up being three different codes for all three sub tables on the "after update" event. The code should say "when updated, select table "Action Items" field "type" and put in the number 1". That code will go into the first subform. The next subform will have "when updated, select table "Action Items", field "type" and put in number 2". The third subform will have "when updated, select table "Action Items" field "type" put in the number 3". I need the type to differentiate between which subform the data came from since all three lead to the same field in the same table. There are no worksheets, this is all in access. If you could even just help me write a code for how to select another field in a different table then I could probably do the rest. Thanks. If you could