I'm fairly new to VBA and I'm hoping I could get some help here to achieve what I'm trying to do. I've searched and read through, and a lot of solutions are about copying and pasting from one sheet to another.
Basically, I want to Copy and Paste the Values in the same row range based on a trigger from another column in the same Sheet.
I've Column G with the trigger word, which is "Hired"; I've data range J5:AG436 For example, if G11 is "Hired", I want the existing data in J11:AG11 to be copied and pasted as Values.
Here's a code that I'm trying to use but got nowhere with it. Perhaps this is not it?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Basically, I want to Copy and Paste the Values in the same row range based on a trigger from another column in the same Sheet.
I've Column G with the trigger word, which is "Hired"; I've data range J5:AG436 For example, if G11 is "Hired", I want the existing data in J11:AG11 to be copied and pasted as Values.
Here's a code that I'm trying to use but got nowhere with it. Perhaps this is not it?
VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim triggerColumn As Long
triggerColumn = 7 ' column G is the trigger column
Dim triggerWord As String
triggerWord = "Hired" ' the trigger word to look for
'define range to which the code will be applied
Dim dataRange As Range
Set dataRange = Me.Range("J11:AG436") 'change to match the range of your data
If Not Intersect(Target, dataRange) Is Nothing Then
' a cell within the data range was changed
If Target.Column = triggerColumn Then
' the trigger column was changed
If InStr(1, Target.Value, triggerWord, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' the trigger word was found in the changed cell
' copy and paste special values from the current cell
Target.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Any help is greatly appreciated.